The Prasaha Group

Birds such as, the Kaka, Kanka, Kurura, Chasa, Bhasa, Shashaghati, Uluka, Chilli, Shyena, Gridhra, etc. belong to the family of Prasahas (Carnivorous birds that suddenly dart on their prey).

Metrical Text

The flesh of birds belonging to this group is identical in its virtues, potency, taste and digestive transformation with those of the aforesaid carnivorous mammals, such as the lion, etc., and is specially beneficial in cases of consumption and kindred wasting diseases.

The Parna-Mriga Group

Animals such as the Madgu, the arboreal Musika, the Vriksha-Shayika, Avakusha, Puti-ghasa and the Vanara, etc. belong to the family of Parna-Mrigas (lit : tree-dwelling arboreal animals).

Metrical Texts

The flesh of animals of this group is sweet, spermatopoietic and heavy of digestion. It is invigorating to the eyesight and beneficial in cases of consumption. It is laxative and diuretic and cures cough, pile and dyspnoea.

The Vileshaya Group

Animals such as, the Shvavit, Shalyaka, Godha, Shasha, Vrishadansha, Lopaka, Lomasha-Karna, Kadali, Mriga-Priyaka, Ajagara, Sarpa, Mushika, Nakula and Maha-Vabhru belong to the group of Vileshaya (hole-dwellers).

Metrical Texts

The general properties of the flesh of animals belonging to this species are to increase the consistency of stool and urine. They are heat-making in potency, sweet in digestion as those of the preceding group. The)' subdue the Vayu and generate the Pittam and Kapham. They are demulcent and beneficial in cough, dyspnoea and cachexia. The flesh of the Shasha is sweet and astringent in taste. It reduces the Pittam and Kapham and neither produces nor subdues the Vayu owing to its moderately cooling potency. The flesh of the Godha is sweet of digestion and has a pungent, astringent taste.

It is tonic and constructive and pacifies the Vayu and Pittam. The flesh of the Shalyaka is tasteful, light of digestion, cooling in its potency and anti-toxic, and subdues the deranged Pittam. The flesh of the Mriga-Priyaka proves a wholesome diet in diseases due to the action of the deranged Vayu (Vayu-Roga), while that of the Ajagara is beneficial in piles.

The flesh of a Sarpa (a species other than those specifically described) is curative in piles and derangements of the Vayu. It is a vermifuge and anti-toxic (a neutraliser of chemical or resulting poisons). It invigorates the eye-sight, is appetising and sweet and improves the intellect. Of these the flesh of the Darvicara is appetising, pungent in digestion, sweet in taste, and extremely efficacious in eye diseases. It is laxative and diuretic, and subdues the deranged Vayu.

Domestic Animal Group

Animals such as horses, mules, cows, bullocks, asses, camels, goats, sheep, and Medapuchhas (fat tailed or Turkish sheep) etc., belong to the group of domestic animals (Gramyas).

Metrical Texts

The flesh of domestic animals is possessed of constructive, tonic and appetising properties, is sweet in taste and digestion. It destroys the deranged Vayu and produces the Kapham and Pittam. Of these the flesh of the goat is moderately cooling in its potency, does not increase the secretions of the internal organs, is heavy and demulcent, subdues the Pittam and the Kapham, and is beneficial in nasal catarrh. The flesh of sheep (mutton) is constructive, tonic and heavy, and generates the Pittam and Kapham. The flesh of the Medapuchcha is aphrodisiac and has properties similar to those of mutton.

Beef is holy and refrigerant, proves curative in dyspnoea, catarrh, cough, chronic fever and in cases of a morbid craving for food (Atyagni), and destroys the deranged Vayu. The flesh of an animal with unbifurcated hoofs (Ekashapha such as, the horse and the mule etc.), has a slightly saline taste, and is possessed of properties similar to those of mutton. The flesh of an animal belonging to the Jangala group is said to increase the secretions of the internal organs.

The flesh of beasts or birds dwelling remote from a village or pool tends to slightly increase the secretions of the internal organs, while the flesh of an animal living in a village or near a reservoir of water, excessively increases that secretion.