Dried Mulaka subdues the action of the three deranged humours. It is anti-toxic and light (of digestion). All dried herbs with the exception of the preceding one generate the Vayu and take a long time to be digested.

The properties described in connection with the Mulaka bulb in its different stages of growth and 65 conditions can also be attributed to its flowers, leaves and fruits respectively. Mulaka flowers subdue the Pittam and Kapham, while their fruit subdues the Vayu and Kapham. Rasona is demulcent, heat-making, sharp, pungent, slimy, heavy and laxative. It has a palatable taste and is tonic. spermatopoietic,and tends to improve the voice, intellect and complexion and to bring about an adhesion of fractured bones. It alleviates heart-disease, indigestion, fever, Vivandha, Kukshi-Shula, Gulma, a non-relish for food, cough, asthma, piles, Kushtha, dulness of appetite, swelling (Shopha), worms and diseases due to the Vayu and Kapham. Palandu is not excessively heat-making in its potency, has a pungent taste, is heavy, tonic and appetising. It slightly generates the Pittam and Kapham. It subdues the Vayu.

The species, known as the Kshira-Palandu, is demulcent, cooling in its potency, and relishing, imparts a steadiness to the fundamental principles of the body, is tonic, promotes the growth of flesh, improves the intellect and increases the Kapham. It is palatable, heavy, slimy and proves beneficial in cases of haemoptysis. The potherbs called Kalaya subdue the Pittam and Kapham, generate Vayu, are heavy and sweet in digestion, and leave an astringent aftertaste in the mouth.

The leaves of plants and trees known as the Chuchchu, Juthika, Taruni, Jivanti, Vimvitika, Nandi, Bhallataka, Chagalantri, Vrikshadani, Phanji, Shalmali, Shelu, Vanashpati-prasava, Shana, Karvudara and Kovidara etc., have an astringent, sweet and bitter taste, and prove curative in haemoptysis. They subdue the Kapham, generate the Vayu and are astringent in their action and light of digestion (easily digestible). Of these, the Chuchchu is light of digestion, and acts as a vermifuge. It is slim}-, proves beneficial to ulcers, is sweet and astringent in taste and action. It tends to subdue the action of the three deranged humours (Tridosha). The Jivanti herb is beneficial to the eyes and subdues all kinds of deranged humours. The leaves of the Vrikshadani plant subdue the Vayu. Phanji leaves are slightly tonic. The leaves of trees or plants belonging to the Kshira-Vriksha or to the Utpala group are cooling in their potency, astringent in their taste and action, and prove beneficial in dysentery, (intestinal haemorrhage) and haemoptysis.

The leaves of the Punarnava, Varuna, Tarkari, Uruvuka (white castor), Vatsadani, and Vilva etc., are heat-making in their potency, and have a sweet and bitter taste and pacify the deranged Vayu. Of these, the Punarnava are specially possessed of the virtue of removing oedema (Shopha).

The potherbs, such as the Tanduliyaka, Upodika, Ashvavala, Chilli, Palankya, and Vastuka etc., are laxative and diuretic, and have a sweet and alkaline taste. They slightly generate the Vayu and Kapham, and cure haemoptysis.

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Of these, the species known as the Tanduliya is sweet in taste and digestion, and proves curative in cases of haemoptysis and somnolence (due to the effects of poison wine or vitiated blood). It is antitoxic and extremely cooling in its potency, and produces a state of parchedness in the system. The Upodika species is sweet in taste and digestion. It is spermatopoietic, anti-narcotic, cooling, laxative, demulcent and tonic. It generates the Kapham, and subdues the Vayu and Pittam in the system. The species called the Vastuka is a pungent (in digestion), vermifuge, and is tonic. It improves the intellect and digestion and is alkaline, laxative and relishing, and tends to subdue all kinds of deranged humours of the body. The species Chilli resembles the Vastuka in its properties, while those of the Palankya is identical with those, of the Tanduliya. It generates the Vayu, produces a state of parchedness in the system, and tends to suppress the discharge of stool and urine. It proves remedial to the deranged Kapham and Pittam. The potherbs Ashvavala produces a condition of dryness in the organism and tends to suppress the discharge of stool and urine and Vayu (emission of flatus).

The potherbs (leaves of edible plants) such as the Mandukaparni, Saptala, Sunishannaka, Suvarchala, Brahma-suvarchala, Pippali, Guduchi, Gojihva, Kaka-machi; Prapunnada, Avalguja, Satina, Vrihati-phala, Kantakarika-phala, Patola, Vartaku, Karavellaka, Katukika, Kevuka, Uruvuka, Parpataka, Kiratatikta, Karkotaka, Arishta, Koshataki, Vetra, Karira, Ataru-shaka, Arkapushpi, etc., are light and palatable, and prove curative in haemoptysis, Kushtha, Meha, fever, dyspnoea, cough and create a relish for food.

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The Mandukaparni and the Gojihvika species are alike in their properties, the former being astringent and beneficial to the Pittam, sweet in taste and digestion, cooling in its potency and of easy digestion. The Sunishannaka species is easily digested and is unattended with any acid reaction. It is astringent in its action and tends to subdue the three deranged bodily humours, and it also arrests the evacuations of the bowels. The Abulguja has a bitter taste, is pungent in digestion and subdues the deranged Pittam and Kapham. The potherb Satina is slightly bitter and astringent in taste and tends to subdue the three deranged humours of the body. The Kakamachi herb is neither too cooling nor too heat-making in its potency and removes cutaneous affections. It subdues the deranged humours as the preceding species. The fruit of (the two species of) Vrihati plants has an astringent and bitter taste, and is light of digestion. It is vermicidal and proves curative in cases of itch and cutaneous diseases (Kushtha), and subdues the deranged Vayu and Kapham. The leaves and fruit of the Patola creeper have a bitter taste. They are beneficial to ulcers, pungent in digestion, heat-making, spermatopoietic, relishing and appetising. The)' subdue the deranged Pittam and Kapham without producing the Vayu. The Vartakam subdues the Vayu and Kapham. It has a bitter and pungent taste, is light, relishing and appetising. Matured Vartakam is alkaline (in its taste) and generates the Pittam. The Karkotakam and the Karavellakam are possessed of properties similar to those of the preceding species Vartakam . The herbs and creepers such as the Atarushaka, Kiratatikta, Parpataka and Guduchi together with the tender shoots of the Vetra and the Nimva, have a bitter taste and subdue the Pittam and Kapham. The leaves of the Varuna and Prapunnada destroy the deranged Kapham and give rise to a condition of dryness in the system. They are light of digestion, cooling in their potency, and tend to enrage or agitate the bodily Vayu and Pittam. The potherbs known as Kalashakam are appetising and pungent in taste and tend to neutralise the effects of poison originated through the chemical action of two incompatible substances in the organism. The species called Kaushumbha has a sweet taste, and produces a condition of dryness in the organism. It is heat-making in its potency and light of digestion, and subdues the deranged Kapham. The species called Nalika-shakam has a sweet taste. It generates the Vayu and subdues the Pittam. The species called the Changeri has an acid, astringent and sweet taste. It is appetising and heat-making in its potency, proves beneficial in cases of deranged Vayu and Kapham and curative in cases of mesenteric disorders (Grahani) and piles.

The leaves of the Lonika, Jatuka, Triparnika, Pattura, Jivaka, Suvarchala, Kuruvaka, Kathinjara, Kuntalika, Kurantika etc., are sweet in taste and digestion and cooling in their potency. They subdue the Kapham and do not inordinately generate the Pittam. They leave a saline after-taste in the mouth and produce a condition of dryness in the organism. They are alkaline and laxative, and generate the Vayu. The potherbs known as Kuntalika have a sweet and bitter taste. The species Kurantika has an astringent taste. The species called the Rajakshavak-Shakam, as well as the one called Sathi-Shakam, is astringent in its property, cooling in its potency, easily digestible and is not hostile to (does not enrage or aggravate), (subdues D.R.) the humours. The species known as the Harimanthajam is sweet in taste and digestion but is difficult to digest. The species known us Kalayam (leaves of the Matara pulse) is purgative and sweet in taste. It produces a state of dryness in the organism and extremely generates the Vayu. It tends to dislodge the deranged humours from their locations in the upper part of the body Sramsanam). The Putikaranjas are heat-making in their potency and alleviate oedema and anasarca. They are pungent in digestion, easily digestible and subdue the Vayu and the Kapham. The leaves of the Tamvula are sharp, heat-making (in their potency; and bitter, astringent and pungent in taste. They tend to aggravate the Pittam, are aromatic, prove beneficial to the voice, and remove viscidness in the organism. They pacify the Kapham and Vayu in the system, are appetising, pungent in digestion and deodorant, and tend to remove the fetid smell in the mouth, cleanse it of all impurities and alleviate all itching sensations experienced inside its cavity. This ends the description of potherbs.