
In the Kalpasthanam of his Samhita, Sushruta has described the symptoms of hydrophobia and snake bites, etc as well as those developed in cases of vegetable poisoning, together with their therapeutical treatment and remedies, which, if rightly studied and investigated, may yet throw a new light upon the subject.

Sushruta As An Observer

It has been lately discovered by a German physiologist that tubercular bacilli do not thrive in goat's blood. The importance of goat's milk in colitis as an efficient agent in checking ferment in the intestines, or of the close contact of a goat as a powerful auxiliary in curing tuberculous phthisis was first demonstrated by Sushruta. Not only this - but the inhalation of the air of a cattle-shed and especially the fact that exhalations of goats, bodies tend to destroy the phthisis germs did not fail to attract the attention of the Indian Rishis; the fumigation of the sick-room with antiseptic preparations such as Sushruta As An Observer 100100 (Asthanga dhupas) is purely Indian in its origin and in no way inferior to the modern introduction of Cogghill's respirators. The microscopic germs that are said to propagate septic fever otherwise called are found very often to disappear under this Indian device where no medicines produce any impression. Thus many a wonderful discovery like the above hails from the dimness of a bygone age. Many truths lie embedded in the vast medical literature of the Brahmanas which claimed close attention and devout study, even by the western savants. We have not laboured in vain if these pages can help a little to revive the old genius of the Ayurveda, or help the progress of human Science one step onward towards the attainment of its goal.


1. Anguli yantra.

1. Anguli yantra.

2.Arsho yantra.

2.Arsho yantra.

3. Ashmaryaharna yantra.

3. Ashmaryaharna yantra.

4. Basti yantra.

4. Basti yantra.

5. Bhringanmukha yantra.

5. Bhringanmukha yantra.

6. Darvyakritishalaka.

6. Darvyakritishalaka.

7. Garbhashanku yantra.

7. Garbhashanku yantra.

8. Jalodar yantra.

8. Jalodar yantra.

9. Kakamukha yantra.

9. Kakamukha yantra.

10. Kankamnkha yantra.

10. Kankamnkha yantra.

ll.Muchuti yantra.

ll.Muchuti yantra.

12. Nadi yantra.

12. Nadi yantra.

13. Rikshamukha yantra.

13. Rikshamukha yantra.

14. Sadansha yantra.

14. Sadansha yantra.

Vasti Yantra

Vasti Yantra

SEE CHAPTER VII (Sounds Of A (Medicated) Drum, Etc., Possessed Of Anti-Venomous Virtues (Dundhubhi-Svaniya)).


15. Shamipatra yantra.

15. Shamipatra yantra.

16. Shaalaka yantra.

16. Shaalaka yantra.

17. Sharapunka mukha.

17. Sharapunka mukha.

18. Sinhamukha yantra.

18. Sinhamukha yantra.

19. Shvanamukha yantra.

19. Shvanamukha yantra.

20. Shanku yantra.

20. Shanku yantra.

21. Snuhi yantra.

21. Snuhi yantra.

22. Tala yantra.

22. Tala yantra.

23 .Tarakshumukha.

23 .Tarakshumukha.

24.Vrikanmkha yantra.

24.Vrikanmkha yantra.

25 .Vrinaprakshalana yantra.

25 .Vrinaprakshalana yantra.

26 .Vyaghramukha yantra

26 .Vyaghramukha yantra

27.Yugmashanku yantra.

27.Yugmashanku yantra.

28 Yonyavekshana yantra.

28 Yonyavekshana yantra.

SEE CHAPTER VII (Sounds Of A (Medicated) Drum, Etc., Possessed Of Anti-Venomous Virtues (Dundhubhi-Svaniya)).

PLATE No. 111.

1. Ardhadhara shastra.

1. Ardhadhara shastra.

2.Atimukha shastra.

2.Atimukha shastra.

3. Ara shastra.

3. Ara shastra.

4. Badisha shastra.

4. Badisha shastra.

5.Dantashanku shastra.

5.Dantashanku shastra.

6. Eshani shastra.

6. Eshani shastra.

7. Karapatra shastra.

7. Karapatra shastra.

8. Antarmukha kartarika.

8. Antarmukha kartarika.

SEE CHAPTER VIII (Classification Of Occular Affection According To The Different Modes Of Treatment (Netra-Roga-Chikitsá-VibháGa-VijnáNiya)).


9. Kritharika shastra.

9. Kritharika shastra.

l0.Kushapatra shastra.

l0.Kushapatra shastra.

ll. Mandalagra shastra.

ll. Mandalagra shastra.

12. Mudrika shastra.

12. Mudrika shastra.

13. Nakha shastra.

13. Nakha shastra.

14. Shararirmukha shastra.

14. Shararirmukha shastra.

15. Suchi shastra.

15. Suchi shastra.

16. Trikurchaka shastra.

16. Trikurchaka shastra.

17. Utpalapatra shastra.

17. Utpalapatra shastra.

18. Vetaspatra shastra.

18. Vetaspatra shastra.

19.Vrihimukha shastra.

19.Vrihimukha shastra.

20.Vridhipatra shastra.

20.Vridhipatra shastra.

SEE CHAPTER VIII (Classification Of Occular Affection According To The Different Modes Of Treatment (Netra-Roga-Chikitsá-VibháGa-VijnáNiya)).