Upanáha-Sveda (Poulticing)

The roots of the Váyu-subduing drugs should be pasted together with Amla (Kánjika) and mixed with an abundant quantity of rock-salt and of Sneha (clarified butter, etc.). The paste should be heated and applied lukewarm to the affected part. The pastes of the drugs included within the Kákolyádi, the Eládi or the Surasádi groups as well as a paste of mustard seed, sesamum or linseed, or Krisará, Páyasa (porridge) Utkáriká, or Vesavára, or the drugs of S'álvana * (as described under the treatment of Váta-Vyádhi) should be similarly applied (lukewarm to the affected locality) folded in a piece of thin linen. This is what is called the Upanátha-Sveda. 8.

* This is called the " Nátdi-SVeda ". † This is called the " Karshu-sveda ". ‡ This is called the " As'ma-ghana-sveda ". § This is called the " Kuti-Sveda".

Drava-Sveda (Diaphoresis With Fluids)

A jar or a cauldron should be filled with a lukewarm decoction of any of the Váyu-subduing drugs and the patient should be immersed therein. In the same way, the patient might be immersed in a tubful of warm milk, meat-soup, soup (of Mudga or Másha pulse), oil, Dhányámla (fermented or sour gruel), clarified butter, lard, cow's urine, etc. † The patient may also be sprinkled over or washed with a tepid decoction (of the above-mentioned drugs) ‡ This is what is called the Drava-Sveda. 9.

Of the four forms of Sveda described above those known as the Tápa-Sveda and Ushma-Sveda pre-eminently destroy the deranged Kapha, while the Upanáha-Sveda subdues the deranged Váyu of the body;

* Drugs of the Kákolyádi group should be used in cases of the dominant deranged Pitta acting in concert with the deranged Váyu; those of Eládi group in cases of the dominant deranged Kapha acting in concert with the deranegd Váyu and the S'álvana, or sesamum, linseed, etc., in cases of a simple or complicated deranged Váyu.

† This is called the Avagáha-Sveda.

‡ This is called the "Parisheka-Sveda." the Drava-Sveda, however, is beneficial in cases due to the concerted action of the deranged Pitta with either of the other two Doshas (viz., Váyu and Kapha). 10-A. The patient should be diaphorised by making him put on warm clothing or exposing himself to the sun or by becoming fatigued after a long walk, or by wrestling, or some other physical exercise, load-carrying, etc., or by arousing his anger in a case where the deranged Váyu would be found to be subcharged with the deranged fat or Kapha. 10.

Memorable Verses

The four forms of Sveda mentioned above may be employed in two ways, viz either to the whole body or to any particular part of it. Sveda should be first employed in cases of patients fit to be treated with errhines (Nasya) purgatives, emetics or with Vasti-measures. It should be applied to the enciente in cases of obstructed foetus (Mudha-garbha) unattended with any other supervening distresses (i. e., excessive discharge of blood, etc.) after the extraction of the S'alya (the obstructed foetus) from the womb, and after parturition, and in cases where pregnancy runs to its full and natural term. Sveda should similarly be applied both before and after the surgical operation in cases of fistula-in-ano and stones, gravel, etc., (in the bladder) and of haemorrhoids. Specific modes of applying Sveda in other diseases should be duly described under their respective heads. 11.

Men conversant with the rules of Sveda (fomentations, etc.) should, under no circumstances, employ it before rubbing or softening the body or the limb with a Sneha (oil, etc.) inasmuch as a piece of wood is found to break or burst immediately under the application of heat if not previously rubbed with a Sneha. 12 - A.