This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Improved digestive capacity (Agni-dipti) softness of the limbs, smoothness and clearness of the skin, relish for food, clearness of the bodily ducts or channels, absence of somnolence and drowsiness and restored functions (free movements)of the numbed bone-joints are the benefits which result from an application of Sveda. The Doshas (morbific principles) having been moistened with a Sneha and lying inherent in the root principles (Dhátus) of the body or imbedded in its ducts or channels or located in their specific seats within the system, become liquefied and carried down into the bowels Koshtha) by and after an application of Sveda and are eventually totally eliminated from the system (by means of correcting measures - D. R.). 12-B.
A perfect or satisfactory application of Sveda is marked by a copious flow of perspiration, an abatement or amelioration of the disease, a lightness of the body and a desire for cool things and the softening of the patient's limbs, while the contrary effects result from an imperfect or unsatisfactory application of the same. An excessive application of Sveda would produce pain in the joints, and a burning sensation (in the body). It produces blisters, an aggravation of the Pitta, art excited condition of the blood, epileptic fits, vertigo, thirst, and fatigue. In such a case the evils should be speedily remedied with cooling measures. 12.
Applications of Sveda should not be resorted to in cases of persons suffering from jaundice, urinary complaints, haemorrhage, pulmonary consumption (Kshaya), emaciation, indigestion, ascites (Udara), * thirst, vomit- (instead of Udara in general) as unfit for Sveda and this is consistent with the treatment prescribed by Sus'ruta himself in Chapter XIV (Blood (Shonita-Varnaniya-Madhyayam)), Chikitsita Sthána.
* Vrinda evidently quotes this verse from Sus'ruta Samhitá but by a little change in the versification he excludes cases of vomiting and poisoning from the list and mentions only the cases of Dakodara ing, dysentery, and from diseases due to the effects of poison. It is also prohibited in respect of pregnant women and intoxicated persons, inasmuch as an application of Sveda proves fatal in these cases or tends to impart an incurable character to the disease (inflicting an irreparable injury to the whole organism) 13.
Mild Sveda may be applied (and that only in cases of emergency) to the aforesaid persons suffering from diseases amenable only to an application of Sveda, as well as to the regions of the eyes, the heart (Hridaya) and the scrotum. 14.
Sveda should be applied unto a patient in a covered and windless place and after the complete digestion of his ingested food, and after having anointed his body with a Sneha. During the application of Sveda (to the eyes and to the heart) the eyes of the patient should be (first) covered with something cold (e.g., lotus leaves, etc.) and the heart should be constantly touched with something cold (e.g., cold palms of the hand, etc.). 15.
After a full and complete application of Sveda, the (body of the) patient should be well rubbed with a Sneha (oil, etc.) and a hot bath should be prescribed. The patient should then be made to keep his body well covered (with warm clothes) and be removed to a windless chamber (immediately afterwards). The diet should consist of such articles as would not produce any internal secretion (in the channels of the system) and he should observe, if necessary, the other rules of conduct (enjoined in such cases). 16.
Thus ends the Thirty-second Chapter in the Chikitsita Sthánam of the Sus'iuta Samhitá which treats of the applications of Sveda.
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