This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The medical treatment of a patient suffering from Apatánaka (hysterical convulsions), not exhibiting fixedness of gaze and arched eye-brows, with an absence of perspiration, quivering, delirium and the numbness of genitals, found not to fall on the ground but capable of being supported on his arms (Akhattá-páti) and whose trunk is not bent or arched on its posterior (dorsal) side (Vahiráyáma), may be attempted (with success). The body of the patient should be first anointed with emulsions (Sneha) and then fomented; strong medicated snuff should then be administred for purifying (the accumulated mucus in) the head. After that the patient should be made to drink a clear potion prepared of clarified butter, cooked in combination with a decoction of the drugs constituting the Vidári-gandhádi group, extract of meat, milk and milk-curd, so as to arrest the further expansion of the deranged Váyu into the system.
* In the case of Váta-roga, with a preponderance of Pitta, the patient should take his food with milk; in the preponderance of Váyu, with the soup of Jángala meat; and in the preponderance of Kapha, with Mudga-soup, devoid of any acid combination.
† In the preponderance of Kapha, emetics should be employed; in the preponderance of Pitta, purgatives should be given; and in the preponderance of Váyu, Anuvásana and Asthápana measures should be resorted to.
A decoction of the Váyu-subduing drugs, such as, Bhadra-dárvádi, etc., barley, Kalattha pulse, Kola, and the flesh of the Anupa and Audaka animals with the Pancha-Vargas * should be juice of Mulaka, Eranda, Sphurja, Arjaka, Arka, Saptalá and S'amkhini should be used in washing (Parisheka), etc., the body of an Apatánaka-patient. Potions consisting of sour Dadhi (milk-curd) mixed with powdered pepper and Vachá, or of oil, clarified butter, lard, or honey, mixed with the same things and taken in an empty stomach, prove curative in cases of Apatanaka. 26.
* According to Jejjata, "Pancha-Vargam" means the flesh of the five kinds of Anupa animals, viz., Kulachara, Plava, Kos'astha, Pádin and Matsya (fishes).
The reading here is doubtful. The term "Audaka" in the compound word " Sánupaudaka-mámsam" seems to be redundant, inasmuch as "Audaka" animals are included in the "Anupa" class. (Sutra, chap. XLVI. Page 487, Vol I). In this case the word " Pancha-vargam " also seems to be only an explanation of the term "Anupa" meaning the five kinds of Anupa flesh, and it seems to have surreptitiously crept into the body of the text from the marginal notes of some authoritative manuscript copy of the book. If, however, we are to abide by the current reading of the book, "Panctia-varga" cannot mean the five kinds of flesh in the presence of the word "Audaka" mentioned separately, as Jejjata would have it. In that case it can only mean either the five groups of Pancha-mulas, viz., the major Pancha-mulas, the minor Pancha-mulas, the Valli-Pancha-mulas, the Kantaka-Pancha-mulas and the Trina-Pancha-mulas. (Sutra, chap. XXXVIII, Pages 355-6, Vol. I), as some would explain it to mean. Others, however, prefer the reading as it is and explain the term "Fancha-varga" to be the five kinds of medicinal drugs mentioned before in the sentence, made. The decoction, thus prepared, should be mixed with milk and fermented rice-gruel, etc., and then cooked with an adequate quantity of clarified butter, oil, lard and marrow by casting Kalka (paste) of the Madhura (Kákolyádi group) into it This Traivrita-Ghrita * (lit. consisting of clarified butter with three other lardaceous articles), thus prepared, should be administered to Apatánaka-patients in potions and diet, in effusions and immersions, in anointings and errhines, as well as in Anuvásana measures. Diaphoretic measures should be applied according to the prescribed rules. In a case marked by an unusually aggravated condition of the Váyu, the patient should be made to stand neck-deep in a pit tolerably warmed or heated with burning husks, and cow-dung. As an alternative, Palás'a leaves should be strewn over a hot stone-slab or over a hot oven, after having sprinkled wine over them, and the patient should be laid full length upon these leaves, or fomentations should be made with Ves'avára, Kris'ara and Páyasa. 24 - 25.
An oil, cooked in combination with the expressed viz., the Vátaghna drugs, Yava, Kola, Kulattha and flesh. Others, again, mean by the term "Pancha-varga" the five parts, viz., leaf, fruit, flower, bark and root, of the Vátaghna drugs mentioned in the sentence.
We have, however, the authority of Vágbhata and Chakradatta in our side to accept the first view that the term "Audaka" is redundant, inasmuch as they have not read the word "Audaka" in their compilations. - Ed.
* According to Dallana, four seers of clarified butter, oil, lard and marrow (each weighing one seer), sixteen seers of Kánji, etc., sixteen seers of milk, sixteen seers of the decoction and one seer of the Kalka (paste) should be taken in its preparation. But Gayádása is of opinion that four seers of milk should be taken instead of sixteen seers.
Four seers of Ghrita, etc., four seers of milk, six seers of Kánji, six seers of the decoction and one seer of the Kalka (paste) are generally taken by experienced physicians in its preparation. - Ed.
These remedial measures are applicable in cases of Apatánaka when the action of the aggravated Váyu alone preponderates. In a case involving the concerted action of two or more of the Doshas, drugs, remedial to each of them, should be combinedly employed. Medicinal liquid errhines (Avapida) should be employed after the subsidence of a severe attack. The fat or lard of a cock, crab, Krishna-fish, porpoise or of a boar should be taken * by the patient. As an alternative, he should be made to drink (a potion consisting of) milk boiled with Váyu-subduing drugs (Das'a-mula, etc.), or a gruel (Yavágu) composed of barley, Kola, Kulattha-pulse and Mulaka, cooked with curd, oil and clarified butter. Oily purgatives, Asthápana and Anuvásana measures, should be employed if the paroxysm does not subside even in ten days. Medicines and remedial measures laid down under the head of Váta-vyádhi and the process of Rakshá-karma, should be likewise adopted (in cases of Apatánaka). 27.
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