This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
A poultice composed of the drugs of the Kákolyadi group, the Váyu-sub-duing drugs (those of Bhadra-dárvádi and Vidári-gandhadi groups), and all kinds of acid articles † (such as, Kánjika, Sauvira, fermented rice-gruel, etc.), the flesh of animals which live in swamps (Anupa) or in water (Audaka) ‡ , oil, clarified butter and all kinds of lardaceous substances, mixed together and saturated with a profuse quantity of salt and then slightly heated is known by the name of Sálvana. A person suffering from any form of Váta roga should be always treated with such Sálvana poultices (Upanáha). The poultice should be applied to such part of the body as is
* It is to be understood that measures and remedies laid down under the head of Sarvánga-gata should be used when the Váyu would be found to be diffused throughout the whole organism instead of being confined to any specific part.
† According to others it means all kinds of acid-fruits, etc.
‡ Chakradatla reads
(well-cooked with the flesh of "Anupa" animals) in place of
numbed, painful or contracted and the affected part should be firmly ban daged thereafter with a piece of Kshauma * linen or woollen cloth. As an alternative, the affected part should be plastered (and well rubbed) with the ingredients of the Sálvana-Upanaha and inserted into a bag made of cat or mungoose skin or that of a camel or deer hide. 16.
The aggravated Váyu, if located in the shoulders, the chest,the sacrum (Trika) or the Manyá, should be subdued by emetics and errhines judiciously employed. Siro-Vasti should be applied to the head of the patient as long as it would take one to utter a thousand Mátrás (a short vowel sound), more or less, as the case may require, where the aggravated Vayu would be found to have located itsellf in the head, (if necessary) blood-letting should be resorted to. As a mountain is capable of obstructing the passage of the wind, so the Sneha-Vasti (oily enema) is alone capable of resisting the action of the aggravated Váyu whether it extends throughout the whole system or is confined to a single part. 17-19
Measures beneficial to Váta-Vyádhi:
- An application of Sneha, fomentations, anointment of the body, Vasti, oily purgatives, Siro-vasti, the rubbing of oils on the head, oily fumigation, gargling with tepid oil, oily errhines, the use of meat-soup, milk, meat, clarified butter, oil and other lardaceous articles (of food), all kinds of acid fruits, salt, lukewarm washes, gentle massage, the use of saffron, Agura, Patra, Kushtha, Eld, Tagara, the wearing of woollen, silken, cotton or any other thick kind of garments, living in a warm room or in one not exposed to the wind or in an inner chamber, the use of a soft bed, basking in the glare of fire, entire sexual abstinence, these and such like other things should be generally adopted by a patient suffering from Váta-roga 20.
* Some read it as Válka, i.e., made up bark.
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