This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
[After the full and correct introduction of the intestines] the wound should be bandaged with a piece of silk-cloth saturated with clarified butter, and the patient should be given a draught of tepid clarified butter (D. R. tepid milk) with castor oil for an easy passage of the stool and downward coursing of the Váyu (spontaneous emission of the flatus). Then, for its healing up (Ropana), a medicated oil, prepared with the bark of the Asvakarna, Dhava, S'álmali, Mesha-s'ringi, S'allaki, Arjuna, Vidári, and Kshiri trees and Valá roots should be applied to the wound. For a year the patient should live a life of strictest conticence and forego all kinds of physical exercise. 47 - 48.
The legs and the eyes of the patient should be washed and sprinkled with water in the event of the bursting out of the testicles which should be introduced into their proper place within the scrotum, and sewn up in the manner of a Tunna-sevani (raised seam;. The scrotum should be bandaged in the shape of a Grophaná-Vandha and a restraining apparatus (Ghatta-Yantra) placed round the waist of the patient (to guard it against its oscillations or hanging down). The wound should not be lubricated with any kind of oil or Ghrita inasmuch as it would make the wound moist and slimy. The wound should be healed with a medicated oil prepared with Kálánusári, Aguru, Eld, Játl flower, Chandana, Padmaka, Manahs'ilá, Devadáru, Amrita and sulphate of copper (pounded together). 49-50.
A plug of hair should be inserted into a wound on the head, after having extracted the foreign matter therefrom, with a view to arrest the exuding of the brain matter (Mastulunga) which invariably proves fatal to the patient through the aggravation of the deranged Váyu in consequence thereof. The hairs of the plug should be taken out one by one as the healing process progresses (granulation). An oleaginous medicated plug or lint should be inserted into a wound on any other part of the body, which should be treated with the measures and remedial agents laid down in connection with a traumatic ulcer after having first allowed the vitiated blood to escape. 51-52.
The medicated oil known as the Chakra-taila * should be poured (frequently applied) by means of a slender pipe into an ulcer (wound) which is deep-seated but narrow-mouthed, after first letting out the vitiated blood †. An oil duly prepared and boiled with Samangá, Haridrá, Padmá, Trivarga ‡ Tuttha, Vidanga, Katuka, Pathyá, Guduchi and Karanja acts as a good healing (Ropana) agent (in these cases). The use of an oil prepared with Tdlis'a,Padmaka, Mánsi, Harenu, Agutu, Chandana, and the two kinds of Haridrá, Padma-vija, Us'ira and Yashti-madhu acts as a good healing remedy in cases of traumatic ulcers. 53-55.
A cut wound (Kshata) should be treated with its own specific measures and remedies, while a bruised one (Pichchita) should be treated (to all intents and purposes) as a case of Bhagna (bone-fracture). The first treatment of a mangled or contused wound (Grhrishta) is to extinguish pain, after which it should be dusted with the powder of proper medicinal drugs (such as S'á/a, Sarja, Arjuna, etc.). 56-57.
In the case of a dislocation of any part of the body, caused by a fall (from a tree), or in the event of having been run over or trampled down (Mathita - by a carriage or by a beast), or of being wounded (by a blow, etc.),
* The oil just pressed out of an old oil-mill or squeezed out of the chips of wood belonging to an old one, in the manner of the Anutaila to be described hereafter, is called the Chakra-taila the patient should be kept immersed in a large tank (Droni) of oil and the diet should consist of the soup or essence (Rasa) of meat. A man fatigued (from the labours of a journey), or hurt at any of the Mannas, should be likewise treated with the preceding measures. 58.
† The vitiated blood should first be let out for fear of putrefaction of the ulcer.
‡ Triphalá, Trikatu and Trimada are called Trivarga.
Oil or clarified butter should be always administered as drinks, washes or external healing applications for an ulcer-patient with a due regard to his temperament and the nature of the season. Medicated Ghritas, yet to be mentioned in connection with the medical treatment of a Pittaja abscess, should be used as well in the case of a traumatic ulcer (according to its respective indications). A physician should wash a traumatic ulcer attended with an aching pain either with a Valá-oil or tepid clarified butter (according to the nature of the season and the temperament of the patient). * 59 - 61.
An oil cooked with Samangá, Rajani, .Padmá(Bhárgi), Pathyá, sulphate of copper, Suvarchalá, Padmaka, Lod/ira, Yashti-madhuka, Vidanga, Harenuka, Talisa-patra, Nalada (Jatámánsi), (red) Chandana, Padma-kes'ara, Manjishthá, Us'ira, Lákshá, and the tender leaves of Kshiri trees, Piyála seeds, raw and tender Titiduka fruit, or with as many of them as would be available, should be regarded as a good healing remedy in respect of all non-malignant traumatic sores or ulcers. Applications of astringent, sweet, cooling and oily medicines should be used for a week in a case of a traumatic ulcer (Sadyo-vrana), after which those mentioned before, in the Chapter of Divraniya, should be adopted 62 - 63.
* With oil in autumn and in the case of a patient of Rakta-pitta temperament, and with Valá-oil in winter and in the case of one of a Vála* kapha temperament.
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