This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
In the case of a malignant ulcer (Dushta-Vrana) emetics, errhines, purgatives, Asthápana, fasting, specific sorts of diet (composed of bitter, pungent and astringent things) and blood-letting, should be prescribed (according to the requirements of each case). The ulcer or sore should be washed with the decoctions of the drugs of both the Aragvadhádi and the Surasádi ganas, and an oil cooked with a decoction of the said drugs should be applied to the wound for [the purification (Sodhana) thereof. As an alternative, an oil boiled and prepared in an alkaline water or solution (four times that of oil) with a Kalka of alkaline substances (such as Ghantápáruli, Palás'a, etc.) should be used for that end Oil cocked with Dravanti (Satamuli, according to certain authorities, Mushika-parni according to others), Chiravilva, Danti, Chit-raka, Prithviká Nimba-leaves, Kásisa, Tuttha, Trivrit, Tejovati, Nili (indigo), the two kinds of Haridrd, Saindhava salt, Tila, Bhumi-Kadamba, Suvahá, S'uká-khyá, Lángaláhvá, Naipáli, Jálini, Madayanti, Mrigádani, Sudhá, Murvá, Arka, Kitári, Haritála, and Karanja, or with as many of them as would be available, should be used for the purification (of a malignant sore or ulcer). If found applicable, a medicated Ghrita prepared and cooked with the foregoing drugs and substances as Kalka should be used for the same purpose. In the case of a malignant ulcer, due to the aggravated Váyu, the purifying remedy should consist of a Kalka of Saindhava salt, Trivrit and castor leaves. In the case of a (malignant) Pittaja sore, the remedy should consist of a Kalka of Trivrit, Haridrá, Yashti-madhn and Tila. In the case of a malignant ulcer, caused by the aggravated Kapha, the purifying remedial agent should consist of Tila, Tejohvá, Danti, Svarjiká and Chitraka roots. An ulcer brought on owing to the presence of the virus of Meha or Kushtha in the system, measures and remedies mentioned under the treatment of Dushta-vrana should be adopted and used. 64 - 68.
The recognised school of physicians, which recognises these six types of traumatic sores, does not add to the list, herein mentioned, other types of ulcers, whereas vain pedagogues try to swell it with a larger number of types by adding connotative prefixes and suffixes to the names of the aforesaid six. It is mere vain-gloriousness on their part to say so, since all the other types that they can devise are but single instances and can be made to fall under one of these six general heads. Hence there should be only six kinds (of traumatic sores) and not more. 69.
Thus ends the second Chapter of the Chikitsita Sthánam of the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the treatment of Sadyo-vrana (traumatic sores).
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