Treatment Of Kapáliká, Etc

These remedies are also efficacious in a case of Kapáliká (caries of the tooth) which is extremely hard to cure. In a case of Krimi-Danta (worm-eaten tooth)found to be firm and unloosed (in its socket), the affected tooth should be fomented, and the accumulation (i. e., the pus, blood, etc.) should be removed. It should then be treated with some Váyu-subduing errhines of the Ava-pida form and with emollient gurgles (Gandusha), as well as with plasters, prepared with Varshábhu and the drugs of the Bhadra-Dárvádi group and with a diet of emulsive articles of food. In the case, however, where the tooth is found to be loose (in the socket , the loose tooth should be extracted, and the cavity cauterised with fire or an alkali (for the purpose of arresting the bleeding). An oil cooked with the pastes (Kalka) of Vidári, Yaskti-madhu, S'ringátaka, and Kas'eruka and with ten times its own weight of milk should be administered as an errhine (in such cases). The course of treatment in a case of Hanu-moksha is the same as in one of facial paralysis. 24-27. A person suffering from any affection of the teeth should refrain from taking acid fruits, cold water, dry (Ruksha) food, excessively hard articles of food and from brushing his teeth (with a twig). The treatment of the curable types of tooth-diseases has been thus described above, we shall now (proceed to) describe the treatment of the curable types of tongue-diseases. 28 29.

* All the four kinds of Sneha should be used separately or combinedly.

Treatment Of Tongue-Diseases

In the Vátaja type of Jihvá-kantaka (Papilla), the treatment should be the same as in the case of Vátaja Oshtha-kopa. In the Pittaja type (of Jihvá kantaka), the vitiated blood should be made to secrete from the affected organ by rubbing it with any article of rough surface (such as the leaves of S'ákhotaka, etc.), and the drugs of the Madhura (Kákolyádi) group should be used for gurgles and errhines, as well as for being rubbed over (Prati-sárana) the affected organ, In the Kaphaja type (of Jihvá-kantaka), the organ should be bled by scarifying it (with a Mandala patra and such other instrument); it should then be rubbed with the powders of the drugs of the Pippalyádi group mixed with honey. A compound of powdered white mustard-seed and Saindhava should be administered as gurgles (Kavala), and the patient should be made to take his food with the soup of Patola, Nimba.

and Vártáku mixed with (a liberal quantity of) Yava-Kshára 30.

Treatment Of Upa-Jihvá

In a case of Upa-jihvá (Ranula),the affected part should be scarified and rubbed with an alkali, and the patient should be treated with errhines (Siro-vireka), gurgles (Gandusha) and inhalations of smokes (Dhuma). The treatment of the tongue diseases has been thus described above. We shall now describe the medical treatment of the affections of the palate (Tálu-gata Roga). 31-32.

Treatment of the Tálu-gata diseases:

- In a case of Grala-sundiká the Sundiká (protuberance) should be drawn out along the tongue with the help of the thumb and the second finger of the hand, or with a Samdams'a (forceps) and then cut off with a Man-dalágra instrument. But it should be severed neither more nor less than three-quarters of the appendage, inasmuch as profuse haemorrhage might follow an excessive incision,and death might result therefrom; whereas, a case of lesser severance is usually found to be attended with swelling, excessive salivation, somnolence, * vertigo, darkness of vision, etc. Hence a surgeon, well-versed in the seience of surgery and well-skilled in practical operations, should carefully operate a Gala-s'undiká (with a knife) and subsequently adopt the following measures. The incidental ulcer should be treated with the pulverised compound of Maricha, Ati-visha,Páthá, Vachá, Kushtha and Kutannata, mixed with honey and rock-salt. A decoction of Vachá, Ati-vishá, Páthá, Rásná, Katuka-rohini and Pichu-marda should be used as gurgle (Kavala). The five drugs, viz.,

* S'rikantha Datta, in his commentary on Vrinda's compilation, quotes this passage from the text, but does not include "somnolence" therein. He readsTreatment Of Upa Jihv 200127 in place of

Ingudi, Apámárga, Danti, Saralá and Deva-dáru should be pasted together and made into Vartis (sticks), well flavoured by the addition of perfuming drugs. Twice every day (once in the morning and again in the evening), should the patient be made to inhale the fumes of these burning Vartis (sticks) which have the property of subduing the (deranged) Kapha, and should be made to take the soup of Mudga boiled in alkaline water. * In cases of Tundikeri, Adhrusha, Kurma, Mámsa samgháta and Tálu pupputa, the preceding measures should be adopted, but the surgical operation should vary with the nature of the particular disease under treatment. 33-34.