Specific Treatments

Now we shall specifically describe the course of treatment to be adopted in each particular type of the disease (Prameha). A decoction of Párijáta should be given in a case of Udaka-meha; a decoction of Vaijayanti in that of Ikshu-meha; a decoction of Nimba in a case of Surá-meha; a decoction of Chitraka in a case of S'ikatá-meha; a decoction of Khadira in a case of S'anair-meha; a decoction of Páthá and Aguru in a case of Lavana-meha; a decoction of Haridrá

* This is quoted by Chakradatta but he readsSpecific Treatments 20073 in place ofand does not mention the use of the expressed juice of Amalaka. The practice, however, is to follow the recipe of Chakradatta.

† The third Yoga of the text is also quoted by Chakradatta but no addition of Haridrá powder is prescribed there. Chakradatta is more generally followed in the case.

‡ The fourth Yoga of the text is found also in Charaka although with some variation. Charaka adds the flowers of Kampilla and S'ala in the list, but does not recommend the use of Haridrá powder nor of the expressed juice of Amalaki as the medium of taking the medicine. Charaka, however, is quoted verbatim by Chakradatta and is followed in practical use, and Dáru-haridrá in a case of Pishta-meha; a decoction of S'aptapama in a case of Sándra-meha; a decoction of Durvá, S'aivála, Plava, Hatha-karanja and Kas'eruka, or that of Kakubha and red-sandal wood in a case of Sukra-meha; and a decoction of Triphalá, Aragvadha and Drákshá mixed with honey in a case of a Phena-meha. All decoctions, to be employed in the foregoing ten types of Kaphaja-meha, should be sweetened with honey (slightly sweetened with honey - D. R ).

Treatment Of Pittaja Prameha

In the Pittaja types of the disease, a decoction of the drugs of the S'ála-sárádi group or that of As'vattha should be administered in a case of Nila-meha; similarly a decoction of Rája-vriksha should be given in a case of Haridrá-meha; a decoction of the Nyagrodhádi group, mixed with honey, in a case of Amla-meha; a decoction of Triphlá in a case of Kshára-meha; a decoction of Manjishthá and (red) Chandana in a case of Maujishthá-meha; and a decoction of Guduchi, seeds of Tinduka, Kás'marya and Kharjura, mixed with honey, in a case of Sonita-meha *. 6.

Palliative Measures

Now we shall describe the palliative measures to be adopted even in cases of incurable types of the disease. A Kalka compound of Kushtha, Kutaja,Páthá, Hingu and Katu-rohini should be taken with a decoction of Guduchi and Chitraka in a case of Sarpir-meha. A patient afflicted with an attack of Vasá-meha should be made to drink a decoction of Agni-manttha or of S'ims'apá. Similarly a decoction of Khadira, Kadara and Kramuka should be given in a case of Kshaudra-meha; a decoction of Tinduka, Kapittha, S'irisha, Palás'a, Páthá, Murvá, and Dus-parsá (Durálabhá) mixed with honey, * or the Kshára, (alkaline water) prepared from the ashes of the bones of an elephant, horse, hog, ass or camel, in a case of Hasti-meha. A gruel (Yavágu prepared in the manner of Shadanga-kalpa) with a decoction of aquatic bulbs and sweetened with milk and the juice of sugarcane should be prescribed in a case attended with a burning sensation, 7.

* Honey should be added to all of these decoctions prescribed in cases Pittaja-meha. - Dallana.

† Honey should also be added to these decoctions prescribed in cases of Vátja Meha - Dallana.