This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The natural and healthy colour (Pándu) of the surrounding skin should be imparted to a cicatrix which has assumed a black colour owing to the defective or faulty healing up of the sore in the following manner. The fruit of the Rohini * should be immersed in goat's milk for seven nights and, afterwards finely pasted with the same milk, should be applied to the skin. This measure is called Pándu-karana (imparting a yellow or natural skin-colour to the cicatrix). To attain the same result, the powder of a new earthen pot, Vetasa roots, S'ála roots, Sulphate of iron, and Madhuka (Yashti-madhu) pasted together with honey may be used. As an alternative, the hollow rind of the Kapittha fruit, from which the pulp has been removed, should be filled with the urine of a goat together with Kásisa (Sulphate of iron), Rochaná, Tuttham (Sulphate of copper). Haritála, Manahs'ilá, scrapings of raw bamboo skin, Prapunnáda (seeds of Chákunde), and Rasanjana and buried a month beneath the roots of an Arjuna tree after which it should be taken out and applied to the black cicatrix. The shell of a hen's egg, Kataka, Madhuka, (Yashti-madhu), sea-oysters and crystals † (pearls according to Jejjata and Brahmadeva) taken in equal parts should be pounded and pasted with the urine of a cow and made into boluses which should be rubbed over the cicatrix * 84-87.
* Rohini, according to some commentators, means a kind of Haritaki; according to others, it means Katu-tumbi.
† Burnt ashes of sea-oysters and pearls etc., should be used.
The burnt ashes of ivory and pure Rasánjana (black antimony) pounded (and pasted with goat's milk) should be applied to the spot where the appearance of hair (Lomotpatti) is desired. An application of this plaster would lead to the appearance of hair even on the palms of the hands. Anothar alternative is a pulverised compound consisting of the burnt ashes of the bones, nails, hair, skin, hoofs and horns of any quadruped, over a part of the body, previously anointed (rubbed) with oil, which would lead to the appearance of hair in that region. And lastly, a plaster composed of Sulphate of iron, and tender Karanja leaves pasted with the expressed juice of Kapittha, would be attended with the same result. 88 - 90.
The hair of an ulcerated part of the body found to interfere with the satisfactory healing up of the ulcer, should be shaved with a razor or clipped with scissors, or rooted out with the help of forceps. As an alternative, an application of a plaster consisting of two parts of pulverised (burnt ashes of) conch-shell and one part of Haritála (yellow orpiment or yellow oxide of arsenic) pasted with Sukta (an acid gruel) over the desired spot, would be attended with the same result A compound made of the oil of Bhallátaka mixed with the milky exudation of Snuhi, should be used by an intelligent physician as a depilatory measure. As an alternative, the burnt ashes of the stems of plantain leaves and Dirghavrinta (Syonáka) mixed with rock-salt, Haritála and the seeds of Sami, pasted with cold water, should be deemed a good hair-depilatory. * A plaster composed of the ashes of the tail of a domestic lizard, plantain, Haritála (oxide of arsenic), and the seeds of Ingudi burnt together and pasted with oil and water, and baked in the sun may also be used for the eradicating of hair in the affected locality. 94-95.
* This also is a remedy for giving a natural colour to the skin.
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