This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Now we shall discourse on the recipe of a medicated oil, capable of bringing about the union of fractured bones. A quantity of black sesamum-seeds (tied up into a knot with a piece of linen) should be kept immersed at night in a stream of running water and taken out and dried in the sun (for seven consecutive days). It should then be saturated with cow's milk (at night and dried in the sun, during the second week). During the third week the sesamum-seeds should be saturated with a decoction of Yashti-madhu (at night) and dried in the sun the next day. Then (during the fourth week) it should be again saturated with cows milk and dried and powdered. The said sesamumpowder and powder of the drugs, constituting the Kákolyádi Gana as well as Yasthi-madhu, Manjishthá, Sárivá, Kushtha, Sarja-rasa, Mánsi, Deva-dáru, (red) Chandana, and S'atapushpá should be mixed together. Then a quantity of cow's milk boiled with the aromatic drugs (of the Eladi group) should be used with the preceding pulverised compound for the purpose of pressing out the oil therefrom. The oil thus pressed out; should be boiled in four times the quantity of cow's milk with the drugs such as Ela, S'álpami, Tejapatra, Jivaka, Tagara, Rodhra, Prapaundarika, Kálánusári, (Tagara), Saireyaka, Kshira-Vidári, Anantá, Madhuliká, S'ringá-taka, and those of the aforesaid list (Kákolyádi group and Yasthi-madhu, etc., up to S'atapushpá) pasted together. The oil should be duly cooked over a gentle fire and is called the Gandha-Taila. This oil should be administered with good results in possible ways (e.g., as potions, liniments, unguents and errhines) to a fracture-patient. Its efficacy is witnessed in cases of convulsions, hemiplegia, parchedness or atrophy of the palate, in Ardita (facial paralysis) as well as in Manyá-stambha (Paralysis or stiffness of the neck), in diseases of the head (cephalagia), in ear-ache in Hanu-graha, in deafness and in blindness and in emaciation due to sexual excesses. Administered in food or drink, or employed as a liniment, in Vasti-karma (enemata measures) or as an errhine, it acts as a sovereign restorative. Rubbed over the neck, chest and shoulders, it adds to the strength and expansion of those parts of the body, makes the face fair and lovely like a full-blown lotus and imparts a sweet fragrance to the breath. It is one of the most powerful remedial agents in disorders of the aggravated Váyu (diseases of the nervous system). It may be used even by kings and for them it should be specially prepared. 44-45.
* According to Jejjata, not,only Anuvásnna-enematas but potions of clarified butter and errhines also should be prescribed in cases of fractures in the extremeties.
* There should be three parts of sesamum powder and one part of the powders of Kákolyádi, Yashti-madhu, Manjishthá, etc. (combined). But siva Dása says that four parts of sesamum-powders should be taken.
The expressed oil of the seeds of the Trapusha, Aksha and Piyála should be cooked with a decoction of drugs of the Madhura group (Kákolyádi gana) and with ten times the quantity of milk. A quantity of lard if available, should be poured into it (during the process of cooking). It is an excellent medicated oil and used as a potion for anointing, and as an errhine, Vasti-karma and washes, it speedily brings about the union of fractured bones. 46.
A physician should exert his utmost to guard against the advent of any suppurative setting in in a fractured bone, since a suppuration of the local veins, nerves and muscles is difficult to cure. A complete union of a fractured joint should be inferred from its painless or unhurt character, from its full and perfect development (leaving no detectable signs of its once fractured condition), from the absence of all elevation (unevenness) and from its perfect freedom in flexion and expansion, etc. 47-48.
Thus ends the third Chapter of the Chikitsita Sthánam in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the medical treatment of fractures and dislocations.
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