Symptoms Of An Inadequate And Excessive Application Of A Vasti

The emission of only a small quantity of flatus (Váyu), fœcal matter and (of the medicinal solution applied in) the Vasti, as also the appearance of the supervening distresses of urinary disorders, an aversion to food and physical lassitude indicate the inadequacy of the application of the Vasti. Symptoms which have been described before * as marking an excessive use of purgatives are also said to result from an excessive application of a Niruha-vasti. 6 A.

Symptoms Of A Satisfactory Application Of A Vasti

A lightness of the body, experienced in consequence of the successive and satisfactory evacuations of stool, † Pitta (bilious matters), bowels. - Dallana. The period of a Mátrá has elsewhere been defined as that required to utter a short vowel. - Ed.

* See Chapter XXXIII (Treatment Of The Distresses Which Prove Amenable To The Use Of Purgatives And Emetics (Vamana-Virechana-SáDhyopadrava)), Para. 18, Chikitsita Sthánam.

† Satisfactory urination should also be understood as one of the symptoms of the satisfactory application of a Niruha-vasti. - Ed.

Kapha (mucus) and Váyu (flatus) from the bowels, are the salient features of a satisfactory application of a Niruha-vasti (Su-nirudha), After the manifestation of the foregoing symptoms the patient should be advised to bathe (in hot water) and to take meat-soup (Rasa), milk and pulse-soup (Yusha) in diseases due to the action of the deranged Váyu, Pitta and Kapha respectively. The essence (Rasa) of the meat of any Jángala animal may, however, be prescribed in all cases under the circumstances, since it would produce no harm. Only a quarter, a half or three-quarter part of the usual diet should be prescribed according to the digestive capacity of the patient, and the nature and intensity of the Doshas involved in each case. 6-B.

The subsequent treatment should consist in applying a Sneha-vasti (oleaginous enema) according to the nature and intensity of the underlying Doshas in each case. A lightness of the body, sprightli-ness of the mind, amelioration or abatement of the disease, an emulsive condition of the organism, are the features which mark the satisfactory application of an Ásthápana as well as of an Anuvásana-vasti. 6-C.

The patient should be made to partake of his meal with meat-soup on the day of his being treated with a (Niruha) Vasti; since there is an apprehension of the Váyu being greatly deranged and aggravated (by the application of the Vasti). He should then be treated with an Anuvásana (Vasti) on the same day. Thereafter the application of the Sneha-vasti should be regulated * with a regard to the state of the appetite and the intensity of the deranged Váyu, and in the event of the Koshtha (stomach) being found to have been stuffed with food. 6

* A second application of the Sneha-vasti should be made, if necessary, on the 2nd, 3rd, or 5th day with a due regard to the symptoms mentioned in the text.

A fresh and stronger Nirudha injection (Vasti), composed of Yava-kshára, cow's urine, Kánjika and the S'odhana (purifying) drugs, should be applied (into the bowels) in the event of the previous one not passing out within a Muhurta, since a Nirudha injection (Vasti) long retained in the bowels by the enraged and aggra-vated Váyu causes Sula (colic), an aversion to food, fever and Ánáha* (distension of the abdomen with suppression of stool and urine), or may ultimately have a fatal termination. 7.

The application of an Ásthápana enema is forbidden after a meal as it may bring on an attack of Visuchiká * (D. R. - Ama), or of vomiting, or may tend to aggravate the Doshas of the body. Hence an Ásthápana-vasti (enema) should be applied only on an empty stomach. The Doshas (in the system) of a person lie in a free and potent state at the close of the process of digestion, and are easily and spontaneously eliminated from the system (by the application of the Ásthápana-vasti), when the stomach (Ásaya) is not further oppressed or stuffed with food. The digestive fire (Játharágni) can not digest the food, if scattered or diffused by the application of an Ásthápana-vasti (into the bowels). Hence it is that an Ásthápana injection should be made on an empty stomach. The application of a Niruha-vasti (which is not applicable in all cases) should, however, be determined with a regard to the exigencies of the case, since the strength of the aggravated Doshas of the body abate with the evacuations of the bowels (as well as with the elimination of all filthy matters from the system). 8.

* Both Vrinda and Chakradatta read "A'topa" (rumbling sounds in (he intestines) in place of "A náha."