This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Now we shall describe the (recipe and preparation of) Vastis (technically) called the "Dvá-dasa-Prasrita" (weighing twelve Prasritas). An Aksha measure (two Tolás) of Saindhava salt should be rubbed with two Prasritas (thirty-two Tolás) of honey to which should be added three Prasritas of a Sneha (oleaginous substance). The whole should then be stirred and when the Sneha would be well mixed, a Prasrita measure of a medicinal Kalka, four Prasritas of a decoction, and two Prasritas of medicinal after-throws (powdered drugs thrown to or cast in a medicinal compound at the close of its decoction) should be added to it. In this way an enema solution should be made to measure twelve Prasritas in all and is hence called "Dvái-dasa-Prasrita". This should be regarded as the rule in respect of a full dose and the physician may reduce the numbers of Prasritas (if required). This kind of variation according to the age of the patient, in the quantity of each drug of a Niruha-Vasti which commences with the Saindhava salt and ends with the liquid (viz., Kashaya) has always been observed by the physician aspiring after success (in prescribing a Vasti). 11.
* The hand would serve the purpose of a ladle best in this case.
Classification of Vastis according to the range of their therapeutic applications: -Now we shall deal with the classification of (Nirudha) enemas (according to the difference in their therapeutic ranges) which, when applied with due consideration of the aggravated Doshas (acting as the exciting factors), will conquer many a disease. 12.
A decoction should be prepared with one Pala of each of Sampáka, Ruvu, Varshabhu, As'va-gandhá, Nis'á-chchhaáa (Sathi) Pancha-mula, Valá, Rásná Guduchi and Deva-daru and Madana fruit eight (two Palas) in number (boiled together and reduced to a quarter part of the original quantity of water). After that a paste (Kalka) composed of Magadhika, Ambhoda, (Musta), Havusha, Misi (anisi), Saindhava, Vatsáhva, Priyangu, Ugrá (Vacha), Yashtyáhva, and Rasánjana being mixed with honey, etc., * should be dissolved in the preceding medicinal decoction and injected lukewarm (into the bowels) in the manner of an Ásthápana-Vasti. Pain in the back, the thighs and in the regions of the sacrum (Trika), stone, retention of stool, urine and flatus, diarrhoea (Grahani), Haemorrhoids and diseases due to the action of the deranged Vátyu, readily yield to the curative efficacy of such injections, by which also, the blood, muscles and the strength are improved. 13.
A decoction duly prepared with Guduchi, Triphala, Rásná.Das' a-mula and Valá weighing one Pala † each, and a pulverised compound consisting of Priyangu, Rasanjana, Savidhava, S'ata-pushpa, Vachá, Krishná, Yamáni, Kushtha, Vilva fruit and treacle each weighing an Aksha (two Tolas) and half a Pala of pulverised Madana fruit, should be injected into the bowels (in the manner of an Ásthápana enema injection), stirred and mixed with an adequate quantity of honey, oil, clarified butter, milk, Sukta, Kanjika, Mastu (curd-cream) and cow's urine ‡. Strength, energy, vigour, complexion, digestive capacity, verility and vital duration of the user would be increased by its application, and all derangements of the bodily Vayu would yield to its curative efficacy. It is one of the best rejuvenating agents. 14.
A decoction should be made by boiling together the drugs of the Kshudra-Pancha-mula group, Musta, Tri-phala, Utpala, Vásaka, Srivâ, Manjishthâ, Râsnâ, Renu, and Parushaka each weighing one Pala. A compound of S'ringâtaka, Átma-guptâ, Gaja-pippali, Kes'ara, Aguru, Chandana, Vidâri, Misi (anisi), Manjishthâ, S'yámâ, Indra-yava, Saindhava-salt, Madana-Phala, Yashti-madhu, Padma-káshtha pasted together, should be disiolved in the preceding decoction which should be mixed and stirred with milk, honey and clarified butter and injected cold without the addition of any acid substance, in the manner of an Ásthápana enema (Vasti). It should be applied in liquid form. A burning sensation of the body, menorrhoea (Asrig-dara), Haemorrhage, Pittaja-gulma, Pittaja-fever, yield to the curative efficacy of such a medicinal injection (Vasti). 15.
* Honey, Sneha, milk, Kánjika, cow's urine, meat-juice, etc., should be taken.
† Dallana takes Pala in the sense of meat
‡ The quantity of honey, oil, and clarified butter, should be as before, that of S'ukta, Kánjika, Mastu and urine half a Pala each, and that of milk two Palas. - Dallana.
A decoction should be duly prepared with Lodhra, Rakta-chandana, Manjishthâ, Rásná, Anantá, Valá, Riddhi, Sârivâ, Vrisha, Kás'maryya, Medá, Madhuka (Yashti-madhu) Padmaka, the drugs included in the Sthiradi (minor Pancha-mula) and the Trina-P ancha-mula groups, each weighing three Karshas (six Tolás). Then a paste composed of Jivaka, Rishabhaka Kâkoli, Kshira-Kâkoli, Riddhi, Yashti-madhu, Utpala, Prapaun-darika, Jivanti, Medâ Renu (Parpataka), Parushaka, Abhiru (S'atávari), Misi, Saindhava, Vatsaka, Us'ira, Padmaka, Kas'eru and sugar pasted together should be mixed with the preceding decoction made into a fluid solution with an adequate quantity of milk, honey, and clarified butter and other fluid substances * other than strong acid ones (Kánjika, etc.). It should then be injected well cooled in the manner of an Ásthápana-Vasti. It would undoubtedly prove curative in cases of Gulma, menorrhœgia (Asrig-dara) heart diseases, Jaundice, Vishama jvara, Haemorrhage (Rakta-pitta), dysentery, and other Pittaja ailments. 16.
* Dallana recommends the use of meat-juice (one Pala) and sugar-cane juice (two Palas) as the liquafacient agents in this preparation. It should also be noted that coldness and non-addition of any acid substances are recommended as the injection is to be applied in cases of diseases due to the derangement of Pitta.
A compound of Valá, Madana fruit, Sarshapa, Saindhava, Deva-dáru, Kushtha, Elá, Pippali, Vilva and S'unthi (weighing three Palas in all) pounded together and mixed with the decoction of Bhadrá, Nimba, Kulattha pulse, Arka, Kos'átaki, Amrita, (Guduchi), Deva-dáru, Sárivá, Vrihati, Páthá, Murvá, Áragvadha and Kutaja-seeds (weighing sixteen Palas in all) cooked with water (one hundred and twenty-eight Palas) should be injected in the manner of an Ásthapana-Vasti, with the addition of an adequate quantity of mustard oil, honey, alkali, cow's urine, sesamum oil and water (three Palas). This would speedily conquer an attack of Chlorosis (Kamala), Jaundice, Meha, obesity, impaired digestion, aversion to food, goitre, slow poisoning, (Gara visha) elephantiasis, Udara, or of any disorders due to the deranged Kapha. 17.
Musta, Saindhava, Deva-dáru, Páthá Pippali and Indra-yava, pounded together, and made into a paste with the admixture of the decoction prepared with such drugs as Das'a-mula, Haridrá, Vilva, Patola, Triphalá, and Deva-dáru, should be stirred and saturated with oil, Yava-kshâra and honey and reduced to a soluble fluidity by adding (an adequate quantity of) cow's urine, Madana-phala and Kânjika. The solution thus prepared should be injected (into the rectum of the patient) in the manner of an Ásthapana enema-injection and this would prove curative in cases of Jaundice, deranged Kapha, alcoholism, lassitude, suppression of flatus (Váyu) and of urine, in cases of there being any rumbling sounds in the intestines (Atopa), and Gulma and in diseases due to worms. 18.
Madana-phala, Yashti-madhn, Vacha, Deva-dáru, Sarshapa, Pippali-mula, Saindhava salt (Sindhuttha), Yamáni, Misi and Indra-yava should be pounded together and made into a paste with the admixture of the decoction prepared with a Pala measure each of Vásaka, As'ma bheda, Varshábhu, Dhânya, Eranda-mula, Das'a-mula, Valá, Murvá, Yava, Kola, Nis'a-chchhada (Sathi), Kulattha, Vilva, and Bhu-nimba and dissolved in an adequate quantity of honey and the expressed juice of sugar-cane, milk, oil, clarified butter, meat-essence, and the urine (of a cow) by stirring them together. The solution thus prepared should be speedily injected in the manner of an Ásthápana injection into the rectum of a patient suffering from a disease marked by the concerted action of two or more of the deranged Doshas. Diseases such as Gridhrasi, S'arkará, Ashthilá Tuni and Gulma may be rapidly cured with this injection (Vasti). 19.
Madana fruit, Yashti-madhu, Misi(anisi), Saindhava, Priyangu and hidra-yava pounded together and made into a paste with the decoction of the drugs, one Pala each of Rásná, Aragvadka, Varshábhu, Kaluka, Us'ira, Mustaka, Tráyamáná, Amrita (Guduchi), Raktá (Mau-jishthá), Pancha-mida, Vibhitaka and Valá should be duly mixed with (an adequate quantity) of Rasánjana, extract of meat (Rasa) honey, Sauvira and the expressed juice of the Drákshá. The solution thus prepared should be injected lukewarm into the bowels of the patient in the manner of an Áthápana-Vasti. It adds to the growth of flesh, creates fresh semen and Ojas, improves the digestive capacity and the strength of the body, imparts longevity and cures and conquers the following diseases, viz., Gulma, Menorrhagia, Erysipelas (Visarpa), Strangury, Kshata-kshaya, Vishama-jvara, Haemorrhoids, Diarrhoea (Grahani), Váta-kundali, catching pain due to the incarceration of the Váyu in the regions of the thighs, knee-joints, head and bladder (Vasti), obstinate constipation of the bowels, (Udávarta) and the other distempers of the bodily Váyu, Vata-rakta, Sarkará (gravels in the bladder), Ashthilá, cramp in the groins, Udara, aversion to food, Rakta-pitta (Haemorrhage), affections of the deranged Kapha, Insanity, Prameha, distension of the abdomen (Ádhmána), catching pain at the heart (Hrid-graha). 20. A Vasti composed of the decoction of the Váyu-subduing drugs mixed with Trivrit *, Saindhava and Kánjika (or the expressed juice of acid fruits) should be applied lukewarm in cases due to the aggravation of the bodily Váyu. Similarly, a Vasti composed of the decoctions of the drugs included within the Nyagrodhádi group mixed with sugar, clarified butter, powders of those included within the Kákolyádi group should be applied in diseases due to the aggravation of the Pitta. A Vasti composed of the decoction of the drugs of the Áragvadhádi group saturated with the pulverised compound of those included within the Pippalyádi group, should be employed with (an adequate quantity of) cow's urine, added thereto in a case of the aggravation of Kapha. A Vasti composed of a copious quantity of the decoction of Kshira-Vrikshas mixed with (an adequate quantity of) the expressed juice of the sugar-cane, milk, sugar, and clarified butter should be applied in a cold state in cases marked by a vitiated condition of the blood of the system. 21 - 24.
* According to Dallana, "Trivrit" should be understood to mean the same as "Traivrita" mentioned in the treatment of Mahá-váta-vyádhi (see Chapter V (Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites (Sarpa-Dashta Kaipa-Chikitsitam))., Para. 25, Chikitsita Suhánam).
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