This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The drugs of the S'odhana group 'possessed of corrective therapeutic properties) should be pounded together and mixed with an admixture of their own decoction. The solution thus formed should be mixed with Saindhava and Sncha and stirred with ladle. It should then be injected into the bowels of the patient. This is called the S'odhana-Vasti *. 25.
The powders of the drugs of the Ushakádi group should be mixed with the decoction of Triphalá and with cow's urine, honey and Yava-kshára. The whole solution should be applied as a Vasti and is called the Lekhana-Vasti. 26.
A paste composed of the drugs of the Madhura (Kakolyadi) group mixed with the decoction of the drugs possessed of tonic and constructive properties (Vrimhana drugs) should be injected into the bowels with clarified butter and the extract of meat added thereto. It is called the Vrimhana-Vasti. 27.
The seeds of the Átmaguptá should be pounded and mixed with the decoction of (the roots of) the Uchchatá together with (the contents of) the egg of a sparrow (Chataka) and an adequate quantity of milk, clarified butter and sugar. The solution should be injected into the bowels in the manner of a Vasti and is called the Váji-karana-Vasti (aphrodisiac). 28.
* According to Dallana, four Pala weights of honey, one Pala of milk, one Pala and a half of cow's urine, and four Pala and a half of Kánjika, should be added to this solution.
Milk cooked with Vidári * Airávati, S'elu, S'álmali and the tender sprouts of Dhanvana should be used as a Vasti with the blood and honey (added to it); † it is called the Pichchhila-Vasti. The fresh blood of a buffalo, hog, sheep, or of a cat, or the contents of a newly laid (hen's) egg‡; may be used for the purpose. 29-30.
A paste of the drugs of the Ambashthádi group, dissolved in a decoction of those of the Priyangvádi group and mixed with honey and clarified butter, may be used as a Vasti and is called the Gráhi-Vasti. 31.
A Sneha-Vasti should be prepared by duly cooking the drugs of one or two of the above groups with a Sneha. 32.
Sterile women should be treated with a Vasti con-sisling of the S'ata-páka-Valá-Taila or the Traivrita-Ghrita (as described before) § after being cleansed (S'odhatia) in due succession. 33
Strong enemas (possessed of keen medicinal potency) should be employed in respect of extremely strong
patients, and those of moderate potency should be employed in respect of persons possessed of a middling sort of bodily strength, while weak persons should be treated with Vastis (enemas) of mild potency. An experienced physician should thus apply Vastis (enemas) with due regard to the nature of the season, the strength of the patient, the nature and intensity of the disease under treatment and of the Doshas involved therein and to the nature of the potency of the ingredients to be used in charging the Vasti (enema). * 34.
* Both Vrinda and Chakrapani read "Vadari" in place of "Vidári", and their annotators mean to say that the tender sprouts of all trees, viz., Vadari, etc., should be used.
† Vrinda does not recommend the addition of honey; he reads
(i.e., the Vasti should be in a cold state), in place of
But it is evident from the reading of Dallana's commentary, as quoted by S'rikantha Datta, that honey should be added.
‡ Both Vrinda and Chakrapáni read
in place of
which means that the newly spilt blood of a goat should be added to the list and hen's egg should be eliminated therefrom.
§ Valátaila has been mentioned in the treatment of Mudha-garbha (Chapter XV (Surgical And Medical Treatment Of The Cases Of Difficult Malpresentation Of The Foetus And Of Difficult Labour (Mudha-Garbha)), Chikitsita Sthánam) and the Traivrita-Ghrita has been described in the treatment of Mahá-Vátavyadhi (Chapter V (Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites (Sarpa-Dashta Kaipa-Chikitsitam)), Chikitsita Sihánarn).
Loosening or disintegrating (Utkles'ana - lit. irritating) enemas (ie., those possessed of the virtue of dis lodging and disintegrating the accumulated Doshas in the system) should be employed at the outset and corrective ones (Dosha-hara) should then be employed, while those exerting a soothing influence on the organism (Sam-s'amana) should be employed last of all towards the close of the treatment 35.
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