This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
An Utkles'ana (disintegrating) Vasti consists of castor seeds, Yashti-madhu, Pippali, Satndhava, Vacha, Habushd and Phala (Triphalá - Madana-phala, according to others) pasted together. A Dosha-hara-vasti (corrective enema) consists (of a solution) of Yashti-madhu, Kutaja seeds and Madana-phala with Kánjika and cow's urine. A Samsodhana-Vasti!(soothing enema) consists of Priyangu, Yashti-madhu, Musta and Rasánjana with cow's milk. 36 - 38.
Now we shall describe in short the process of applying a Mádhu-Tailika Vasti (enema) which should be resorted to only in respect of kings or king-like personages as well as in respect of women, old men, infants and persons of delicate constitutions for the purposes of eliminating the Doshas(accumulated in the organism; and of improving the strength and complexion. The use of this remedy does not entail any strict observance of continence or of any particular rules, diet, conduct, or conveyance on the part of the patient, nor is it attended with any possible complication though it is quite on a par with any other kind of Vasti as regards its excellent and highly beneficial therapeutic virtues. It may thus be applied at any time by an experienced physician in the manner of a Nirudha-Vasti (enema) whenever the patient wishes to be treated therewith. Equal parts of honey, oil and the decoction of castor roots, half a Pala of S'ata-pushpá a quarter Pala of Sanidhava, and one entire Madana fruit should be mixed together by stirring the whole with a ladle. The whole compound thus prepared should be injected lukewarm into the rectum of the patient. This measure is called the Mádhu-Tailika-Vasti. * 39.
* S'ivadása, the commentator of Chakradatta, quotes two additional lines as being incorporated in Sus'ruta's text which, when translated, would be as follows: - Better use a Vasti of milder potency but never use on of strong potency than what is necessary and this is recommended especially in cases of delicate persons. - Ed.
The Yukta-ratha Vasti consists in injecting a medicinal solution surcharged with Vacha, Madhuka (honey), † oil, meat-essence, Saindhava, Pippali, Madana fruit, and the decoction (of Eranda) into the bowels of a patient.
* The quantity of the fluid should be nine Prasritas in all cases of the Mádhu-Tailika Vasti and such-like Vastis (enemas). - Dallana.
† Vacha, salt, Madana-phala, Pippali, each should be one Karsha; honey and oil four Prasritas and two Karshas each, and the decoction of Eranda roots four Prasritas and two Karshar. - Dallana.
In the text we find "Madhuka" which generally means Yashti-madhu. Here, however, it should mean "honey". This is evident from Dallam's co mmentary.
A compound of Deva-dáru, Vará (Triphalá), Rásná, S'ata-pushpá, Vacha, honey, asafœtida and Saindhava salt, used together as a Vasti, is called the Dosha-hara Vasti. 40-41.
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