
This Vasti should be prepared with the decoction of Pancha-mula, mixed with oil, honey and a paste of S'atáhvá, Pippali and Saindhava salt. Similar Vastis consisting of a decoction of Yava, Kola and Kulattha, and mixed with a paste of Pippali, Saindhava, Yashti-madhu and honey may also be used. This kind of Vasti is called a Siddha-Vasti. 42-43.


A Pala measure of each of the following drugs, viz., Mustá, Páthá, Amritá (Guduchi), Tiktá, Valá, Rásná, Punarnavá, Manjislithá, Aragvadha, Us'ira, Tráyamáná, Gokshura as well as of those included within the group of minor (Svalpa) Pancha-mula, and eight Madana fruits should be boiled with an Ádhaka measure of water down to its quarter part. The decoction thus prepared should again be boiled with the admixture of a Prastha measure of milk. The boiling should be continued till the watery-part is completely evaporated and the milk alone is left behind. It should be then strained (through a piece of cloth) This (cooked) milk should be mixed with honey, clarified butter, * and the extract of meat of any Jangala animal, each measuring a quarter of the (above-prepared milk) and a Karsha measure each of the following drugs, viz., powdered S'atáhvá, Phalini (Priyangu) Yashti-madhu, Vatsaka, Rasánjana and Saindhava. The application of the above in the manner of a Vasti proves curative in Vata-rakta, urinary complaints (Prameha), Edema, Haemorrhoids, Gulma, retention of urine, Haemorrhage (Rakta-Pitta), Erysipelas, fever, and a looseness of the bowels. It acts as an aphrodisiac and vitalising tonic; it also invigorates the eye-sight and is anti colic in its action It is known as the Mustádi-Vasti and is the best of all the Ásthápana enemas. 44.

* According to Dallana, however, a Pala measure of each of honey and clarified butter should be added.

A judicious physician may prepare, in the light of the principle laid down in connection with the preparation and application of Vastis in general, hundreds of different other kinds of Vastis (enemas) with a due consideration of the virtues of their respective ingredients drugs) and the nature of the disease under treatment. Applications of Vastis are forbidden during the continuance of an undigested meal in the stomach. Proper rules of diet and conduct should be observed, and day-sleep should not be indulged in, after being treated with a Vasti. 45-46.

The compound Mádhu-Tailika Vasti is so called from the facts of its being principally composed of Madhu (honey) and Taila (oil) The term Yukta-Ratha Vasti owes its nomenclature to the fact of its imposing no restriction as regards riding in carnages (Rathas), or on horses and elephants after their application. The Siddha-Vasti derives its name from the uniform success (Siddhi) which attends its application in a large number of cases of bodily distempers and from its irresistible power in improving the strength and complexion of the body. Mádhu-Tailika Vastis are recommended to persons of easy and luxurious habits as well as in respect of those whose bowels can be easily moved, or who are in the habit of being daily treated with emulsive measures (Sneha-karma) and whose organisms are marked by scanty accumulations of the bodily Doshas. A Siddha- asti does not produce any distress or discomfort, since it is mild in potency and is applied in only three quarters of the usual dose (nine Prasritas only) and does not entail any strict observance of the regimen of diet and conduct (such as the previous administration of emetics and purgatives, etc.), and since it produces a satisfactory result by a single application. 47.

Thus ends the Thirty-eighth Chapter of the Chikitsita Sthánam in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with Niruha-Vastis.