Expansion Of The Deranged Humours

Now we shall describe the expansion (Prasaram) of the deranged humours. The deranged humours, aggravated by the above mentioned causes, expand and overflow the limits of their respective localities in the same manner as, cakes, soaked in any ferment or enzyme and kept standing over night, ferment and rise through the acquisition of new and unseen attributes. The Vayu, which is possessed of locomotion or extreme mobility, should be looked upon as the cause of their expansion or over-flowing. The Vayu, though an inanimate thing, in reality is possessed of the quality of "Rajas" (creative or cohesive energy), and the quality of the Rajas is the only essential or motive principle in the universe.

As a vast and mighty expanse of water, which has been divided into two expanses by a dam or barrier, will sweep away the latter and unite again to form one sheet of water; so the deranged humours, sometimes singly, sometimes in combination with two or all of their species, or in unison with blood, expand and over-run the organism in all directions. As for example, the Vayu, the Pittam, the Kapham and the blood are singly expanded, whereas the bi-humoural expansions involve the simultaneous overflow of the two deranged humours, or of any deranged humour and blood, as the Vayu and Pittam, Vayu and Kapham, Vayu and blood, Pittam and blood, and Kapham and blood. The tri-humoural expansions, which involve the blood and any two of the deranged and enraged humours, may be classified as the expansion, of (1) the Vayu, Pittam and blood, (2) the expansion of the Vayu, Kapham and blood, (3) the expansion of Pittam, Kapham and blood, (4) the expansion of Vayu, Pittam and Kapham, (5) the expansion of Pittam, Kapham and blood, the different types of expansion numbering fifteen in all.

Metrical Texts

The aggravated, or the abnormally irritated deranged humours, whether permeating the whole or half of the system or restricted to any particular part or member of the body, give rise to disease in the place of their incarceration, like rain clouds pouring down in the quarter of the sky where they are formed. The deranged humours, not excessively (slightly) aggravated, lie inoperative coating the internal passages (Margas) of the body and thus bring about a fresh disease, if subsequently agitated by any disturbing causes.

The deranged and aggravated Vayu, having moved into any specific seat of Pittam, should be medicinally treated as a case of Pittaja aggravation. Similarly, the deranged and aggravated Pittam, or Kapham, changing their respective places with each other, should be medicinally treated as the humour in whose location it is found. The Vayu, thus aggravated and expanded, tends to deviate from its right passage and gives rise to a swelling or distention of the abdomen, accompanied by a rumbling sound in the intestines. The Pittam, under the similar condition, gives rise to heat, and a sort of sucking, burning pain in the affected part, together with a sensation of radiation or evaporation of heat from its surface. The Kapham, under the circumstance, would usher in a complete aversion to food, inertness of the limbs, vomiting and impaired digestion. The preceding symptoms, caused by the aggravation and expansion of the bodily humours, should be the third occasion for medical treatment