This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The large vegetation of flesh which appears at any part of the body, becomes slightly painful, rounded, immovable and deep-seated, and has its root sunk considerably deep in the affected part, and which is due to the vitiation of the flesh and blood by the deranged and aggravated Doshas (Váyu, Pittam and Kapham) is called an Arvuda (tumour) by the learned physicians *. The growth of an Arvuda is often found to be slow, and it seldom suppurates. The characteristic symptoms of an Arvuda which owes its origin to the deranged condition of the Vŕyu, Pittam, Kapham, flesh or fat, are respectively identical with those, which mark the cases of Granthis, brought about by the same deranged principles of the body. 11.
The deranged Doshas (Vŕyu, Pittam and Kapham) contracting, compressing They resemble spawns of fish in shape and size and are due to the action of the deranged Vŕyu, Pittam and Kapham. The appearance of such glands in the upper part of the body should be attributed to the action of the deranged and aggravated Váyu. They are extremely hard to cure in as much as their growth (formation) involves the concerted action of the morbific principles (Doshas) of the body. - Bhojaand drawing the vessels (Sira) and blood (of the affected part,), raise a slightly suppurated and exuding tumour which is covered with small warts and fleshy tubercles and is called a Ráktárvuda. This tumour is rapid in its growth and exudes a constant flow of (vitiated) blood. The complexion of the patient owing to depletive actions and other concomitant evils of haemorrhage becomes pale and yellow. The type should be considered incurable on account of its having its origin in the blood * 12 - 13.
Charaka, who designates this disease as Gandamŕlá, describes its location in regions about the jawbones alone.
* That they having recourse to the flesh, produce deep-seated vegetations (of flesh) is the reading adopted by Gayádása and others.
The flesh of any part of the body hurt by an external blow etc. (hurting it with a log of wood - DR.) and vitiated in consequence, gives rise to a sort of swelling (tumour; which is called Mánsárvuda, which originates through the action of the deranged Váyu. It is glossy, painless, non-suppurating, hard as a stone, immobile, and of the same colour as the surrounding skin. Such a tumour appearing in a person addicted to meat diet becomes deep seated owing to the consequent vitiation of the bodily flesh and soon lapses into one of an incurable type. 14.
Prognosis: - Even of the aforesaid curable types (such as the Vátaja, etc.,), the following types of Arvudam (tumours) should be likewise regarded as incurable, those which appear in the cavity of a Srota channel or an artery , or any vulnerable joint of the body and are characterised by any sort of secretion and also immovable, should be deemed incurable. An Arvudam (tumour) cropping up on one existing from before is called Adhyarvudam, which should be likewise deemed as incurable. A couple of contiguous Arvudam (tumours) cropping up simultaneously or one after another is called Dviarvudam, which should be held as equally incurable (with one of the foregoing types). An Arvuda (tumour) of whatsoever type, never suppurates owing to the exuberance of the deranged Kapham and fat as well as in consequence of the immobility, condensation and compactness of the deranged Doshas (Váyu, Pittam and Kapham involved in the case, or out of a specific trait of its own nature. 15-16.
* Although all types of Arvuda have their origin in the deranged flesh and blood, preponderant action of the deranged blood is found in Raktá-arvuda, while a dominant action of the deranged flesh marks the Mánsárvuda type.
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