This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The deranged Váyu and Kapham having recourse to and affecting the flesh, veins (Sirá), ligaments (Snáyu) and fat give rise to a sort of cyst (Granthi) which when it bursts exudes a copious secretion in its nature somewhat like honey, clarified butter or Vasá. The aforesaid Váyu, when aggravated through excessive secretion, dries and gathers the flesh up again in the shape of (a large number of) gravel-like concretions (Sarkará) known accordingly as Sarkarárbu-dam. A fetid secretion of varied colour is secreted from the veins (Sirá) in these Granthis which are sometimes found to bleed suddenly. The three varieties of the skin disease called Pámá (Eczema), Vicharchiká (Psoriasis) and Rakasá have already been discussed under the head of Kushtham (Chapter. V.). 20-21.
The soles and feet of a person of extremely pedestrian habits become dry (and lose their natural serous moisture). The local Váyu thus aggravated gives rise to peculiar painful cracks (Dári in the affected parts) which are called Pádadáriká. Kadara: - The knotty (Granthi), a painful, hard growth raised at the middle or sunk at the sides, which exudes a secretion and resembles an Indian plum (Kola - in shape), and appearing at the soles (palms according to - Bhoja) of a person as an outcome of the vitiated condition of the local blood and fat produced by the deranged Doshas incidental to the pricking of a thorn etc. or of gravel is called a Kadara (corns). Alasa: - An affection, caused by contact of poisonous mire and appearing between the toes, which is characterised by pains, burning, itching and exudation, is called Alasa. 22 - 25.
The deranged Váyu and Pittam having recourse to the roots of the hairs bring about their gradual falling off, while the deranged blood and Kapham of the locality fill up those pores or holes, thus barring their fresh growth and recrudescence. The disease is called Indralupta,* Rujya or Khálitya (Alopecia). Darunaka: - The disease in which the hairy parts of the body (roots of hairs) become hard, dry and characterised by an itching sensation is called Dárunaka. The disease is due to the action of the deranged Kapham and Váyu. Arunshiká: - Ulcers (Arunshi) attended with mucopurulent discharges and furnished with a number of mouths or outlets and appearing on the scalps of men as the result of the action of local parasites and of the deranged blood and Kapham (of the locality) arc called Arunshiká. Palitam: - The heat and Pittam of the body having recourse to the region of the head owing to overwork, fatigue, and excessive grief or anger, tend to make the hair prematurely grey, and such silvering of the hair (before the natural period of senile decay) is called Palitam. Masuriká (variola): - The yellow or copper-coloured pustules or eruptions attended with pain, fever and burning and appearing all over the body, on (the skin of) the face and inside the cavity of the mouth, are called Masuriká. Yauvana-pidaká - (Mukhadushiká: - The pimples like the thorns of a Sálmali tree, which are found on the face of young men through the deranged condition of the blood. Váyu and Kapham, are called Yauvana-pidaká or pimples of youth. Padmim-Kantaka: - The circular, greyish patches or rash-like eruptions studded over with thorny papilla of the skin resembling the thorns on the stem of the lotus marked by itching are called Padmini-kantaka. The disease is due to the deranged condition of the Váyu and Kapham. Yatu-mani (mole): - The reddish, glossy, circular, and painless, congenital marks (Sahajam) or moles on the body not more elevated (than the surrounding skin) are called Yatumani. The disease is due to the deranged condition of the blood and Pittam. 26 - 33.
* Women are generally proof against this disease owing to their delicate constitution and to their being subjected to the monthly discharge of vitiated blood and at the same time to their undergoing no physical exercise, and hence there is little chance of the bodily Pittam being deranged and bringing on this disease.
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