Diseases Of The Tongue

The five Kinds of diseases which affect the organ of taste are the three sorts of Kantakas due to the three deranged which gradually obstruct the channel of the throat and bring on death. The disease is called Rohini (Diphtheria). 49.

Doshas (Vátaja Pittaja and Kaphaja), Alása and Upa-jihviká. 34.

The Three Kantaks

In the Vataja Kantaka type the tongue becomes cracked, loses the sense of taste and becomes rough like a teak leaf (giving the organ a warty appearance). In the Pittaja Kantakaform the tongue is coloured yellow and studded over with furred blood-coloured papillae with the burning sensation (of the Pittam in them). In the Kaphaja Kantaka type the tongue becomes heavy, thick and grown over with vegetation of slender fleshy warts in the shape of S'ŕlmali thorns Alása: - The severe inflammatory swelling about the under surface of the tongue is called Alása, which if allowed to grow on unchecked gives rise to numbness and immobility of the organ and tends to a process of rapid suppuration at its base. The disease is caused by the deranged blood and Kapham. The Upa-jihvá: -The disease in which a (cystic) swelling shaped like the tip of the tongue appears about the under-surface of that organ by raising it a little is called Upa-jihvika (Ranula). The accompanying symptoms arc salivation, burning and itching sensations in the affected organ; these are due to the deranged Kapham and blood (of the locality). 35 - 37.

Disease Of The Palate

Diseases which are peculiar to the part of the palate are named Gala-s'undiká, Tundikeri. Adhrusha, Mŕnsa-kachchapa, Arvuda. Mŕnsa-sanghŕta, Tálu-s'osha and Tálu-paka. 38.


The diffused and elongated swelling, caused by the deranged blood and Kapham, which first appears about the root of the palate and goes on extending till it looks like an inflated skin-bladder is called Gala-s'undiká (tonsilitis) by physicians. Thirst, cough, difficult breathing are the indications of the disease. Tundikeri: - A thick swelling resembling the fruit of the Tundikeri plant in shape and appearing about the root of the palate attended with a burning, piercing or pricking pain and suppuration is called Tundikeri (abscess of the tonsil). Adhrusha: - A red, numbed swelling appearing about the same region, as the effect of the vitiated blood of the locality, attended with severe fever and pain, is known by the name of Adhrusha. Mansa-kachchapa: - A brownish and slight!}-painful swelling somewhat shaped like the back of a tortoise (and appearing about the region of the soft palate is called Mánsa-kachchhapa. The disease is slow in its growth or development and is due to the deranged Kapham. Arvuda: - A swelling shaped like the petal of the lotus lily and appearing in the region of the soft palate as an outcome of the aggravated condition of the local blood is called Arvudam. The swelling is identical with the Raktárvuda described before. Mánsa-Sangháta: - A vegetation of morbid flesh at the edge or extremity of the soft palate through the action of the deranged Kapham is called Mánsa-Sangháta. It is painless. Talu-pnpputa: - A painless permanent swelling to the shape of the Kola fruit (plum) caused by the deranged fat and Kapham at the region of the soft palate is called Tálu-pupputa. Talu-sosha: - The disease of the soft palate in which the patient feels a sort of parched sensation with dyspnoea and a severe piercing pain in the affected part is called Tálu-s'osha, which has its origin in the aggravated condition of the bodily Váyu acting in concert with the deranged Pittam. Ta'lu-páka - The disease in which the deranged Pittam sets up a very severe suppurative process in the soft palate is called Tálu-páka. 39-47.