Slipadam (Elephantiasis)

The disease in which the deranged Vŕyu, Pittam and Kapham, taking a downward course, are lodged in the thighs, knee-joints, legs and the inguinal regions and spread to the feet in course of time and gradually give rise to a swelling therein, is called Slipadam. There are three types of Slipada severally due to the actions of the deranged Váyu, Pittam and Kapham. 14 - 15.

The Symptoms Of The Different Types

The swollen parts assume a black colour in the Vátaja type and are felt rough and uneven to the touch. A sort of spasmodic pain without any apparent reason is felt (at intervals in the seat of the disease), which largely begins to crack or burst. The Pittaja type is characterised by a little softness and yellowish hue (of the diseased localities) and often attended with fever, and a burning sensation. In the Kaphaja type the affected localities become white, glossy, slightly painful, heavy, contain large nodules (Granthis) and are studded over with crops of papillae. 16.

Prognosis: - A case of elephantiasis of a year's growth as well as the one which is characterised by excessive swelling (of the affected parts), exudation and vegetation of knotty excrescences resembling the summits of an ant-hill should be given up as incurable. 17.

Memorable Verses

A preponderance of the deranged Kapham marks the three types of the disease, in as much as, the heaviness and largeness (of the swelling) can not be brought about by any other factor than Kapham. The disease is peculiar to countries in which large quantities of old rain-water remain stagnant during the greater part (lit.- all seasons) of the year making them damp and humid in all seasons. 18-91

The disease is usually found to be confined to the legs and hands of men but cases are on record in which it has extended to the ear, nose, lips and the regions of the eyes. (Penis - Mádhaba-Nidánam). 20.

Thus ends the twelfth Chapter of the Nidánastbánam in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which treats of the Nidánam of scrotal tumours, hernia, Upa-dans'am and elephantiasis.