This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Diseases of the Nervous System, etc: - The action of the Vayu in its normal state. - The Prana Vayu - The Udana Vayu - The Samana Vayu - The Vyana Vayu - The Apana Vayu. - Descriptions of the nature of the diseases - When they are localised in the different parts of the system. - Pathology of Vata-rakta - Its premonitory symptoms - Its prognosis. - Spasms - Convulsions - Epilepsy without Convulsions - Epilepsy with Convulsions. - Hemiplegia - Its Prognosis. - Wry-neck or Torticollis. - Facial Paralysis - Its Premonitory Symptoms - Its Prognosis. - Sciatica. - Erb's Paralysis. - Synovitis of the Knee-joints. - Lameness. - Vata-Kantaka. - Pada-Daha - Pada-Harsha. - Ams'a-s'oshaka. - Ear-ache. - Deafness. - Nasal voice. - Indistinct Speech. - Tuni - Prati-tuni. - Tympanites. - Vata-shthila. - Pratyashthila. . . . Pages 1 - 17.
Haemorrhoids: - Classifications - Pathology - Premonitory Symptoms. - Vataja Type - Pittaja Type - Kaphaja Type - Raktaja Type - Sannipataja Type - Congenital Type. - Figwarts or condylomatous growths about the genitals. - Prognosis. . . . . 18 - 24.
Urinary Calculii '. - General AEtiology. - Premonitory Symptoms. - Leading Indications. - S'leshmaja As'mari - Pittaja As'mari - Vataja As'mari. - Seminal Concretions. - Supervening Symptoms. - Situation of the Bladder. - How stones are formed in the Bladder. . . 25 - 30.
Fistula-in ano and Fistular Ulcers: - Classifications - Premonitory Symptoms. - Derivation of the term BhaganJara. - Vataja Type - Pittaja Type - Kaphaja Type - Sannipatika Type - Traumatic Type - S'aia-ponaka Type - Ushtra-griva Type - Parisravi Type - S'ambukavarta Tppe - Un-margi Type. - Fistulous Pustules. - Prognosis. . . 31 - 34-
Cutaneous Affections in general: - Premonitory Symptoms - /Etiology - Classifications. - -Aruna-Kushtha - Audumbara - Rishya-jihva - Kapala Kushtha (Macula). - Kakanaka - Pundarika - Dadru (ring-worm) - Slhula'rushka - Eka-Kushtha (Ichthyosis) - Charma-dala (Hypertrophy of the skin) - Visarpa-Kushtha - Parisarpa-Kushtha - Sidhma - Yicharchika (Psoriasis) - Yipadika - Kitima (Keloid) - Pa'ma (Eczema) - Kachchhu - Rakasa (Dry Erythema) - Kilasa. - Congenital cause of Kushtha. - Prognosis. - Mow Kushtha becomes contageous. - Some other contagious diseases enumerated. . . . . 35 - 42.
Diseases of the Urinary tracts: - Pathology - Premonitory Symptoms. - General characteristics. - Kaphaja Type - Pittaja Type - Vataja Type. - Names and Symptoms of Kaphaja Meha - Sura-meha - Lavana-meha - Pishta-meha - Sandra-meha - S'ukra-meha. - Names and Symptoms of Pittaja Meha - Nila-Meha - Haiidra-meha - Amla-meha - Kshara-Meha - Manjishtha-meha - Kakta-meha. - Names and Symptoms of Vataja Meha - Sarpir-meha - Yasa-meha - Kshaudra-meha - Ilasti-meha. - Supervening Symptoms. - Kaphaja Types - Pittaja Types - Vataja Types. - Abscesses. - Carbuncles. - Pimples. - Pustules, etc., due to Prameha. - Prognosis. - Symptoms of Madhu-Meha. . . . . 43 - 49.
Dropsy with an abnormal condition of the abdomen: - Classifications. - Predisposing causes. - Premonitory Symptoms. - Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Types - Tridoshaja Type. - Enlargement of the Spleen and the Liver with dropsy of the Abdomen. - Vaddha-gudodara - Parisravi-Udara. - Jalodara (Ascites). - General Characterstics of Dropsy. - Prognosis. 50 - 54.
False Presentations and Difficult Labour: - Causes. - Definition. - Classifications and Symptoms. - Abortion. - Miscarriage. - Prognosis.
Caesarian Section. . . ••• . 55 - 6o-
VidradM (Abscess, etc.): - Definition and Classification - Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Types - Sannipatika Type - Traumatic Type - Raktaja Type - Incurable type of External Abscess. - Internal Abscesses - Their localities. - Differentiating diagnosis of Gulma and Vidradhi. - Incurable Type . . . . . . 61 - 66.
Erysipelas, Sinus and Diseases affecting the mammary glands of women: - Definition of Erysipelas - Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Types - Sannipatika Type - Kshataja Type. - Prognosis. - Nadi-Vrana (Sinus). - Classification - Vataja, Kaphaja and Pittaja Types - Dvandvaja and Tri-doshaja Types - S'alyaja Type. - Stanaroga. - Breast-milk - Its character - Its normal and abnormal traits. - Stana-Vidradhi (Inflammation of mammary glands). . . . . 67 - 71.
Glands, Scrofula, Tumours and Goitre: - Dosha-origened Glands - Siraja gland (aneurysm or Varicose Veins). - Apachi (Scrofula, etc-) - Its symptoms. - Tumour - Its symptoms - Blood-origined Tumour. - Mamsa-Arvuda. - Prognosis. - Adhyarvuda. - Dvirarvuda. - Cause of its not being suppurated. - D.-finition of Goitre - Its specific Symptoms - Vataja Goitre - Kaphaja Goitre - Medoja Goitre. - Prognosis. - General shape of Goitre. - . . . . . 73 - 78.
Hydrocele, Hernia, Scrotal Tumours, Upadams'a (disease of the genital organ) and Elephantiasis: - Classification of Vriddhi - Definition and Premonitory Symptoms of Vriddhi. - Symptoms of Dosha-origined Vriddhi. - Medoja Vriddhi - Raktaja Vriddhi - Hydrocele. - Inguinal Hernia. - Upadams'a - Symptoms of different Dosha-origined types of Upadams'a. - Raktaja Upadams'a. - Definition of Elephantiasis. - Causes and Symptoms of different kinds of Elephantiasis. - Prognosis of Elephantiasis. - Localisation of Elephantiasis. . . . 79 - 84.
Diseases known by the general name of Kshudra-Roga (minor ailments): - The Names and Symptoms of the diseases included therein. - Ajagallika - Yava-prakhya - Andhalaji - Vivrita - Kachchhapika - Valmika - Indra-vriddha - Panasika - Pashana-Gardabha - Jala-Gavddabha - Kak-shl - Vishphota - Agni-Rohini - Chippa - Kunakha - Anus'ayi - Vidarika - S'arkararbuda - Pama - Vicharchikd - Rakasa - Pdda-dirika - Kadara - Alasa - Indra-lupta (Alopecia) - Darunaka - Arumshika - Palita - Masurika etc. - Tila-kalaka - Nyachchha - Charma-kila - Vyanga - Parivartika - Ava-patika - Niruddha-Prakas'a - Niruddha-guda - Ahi-putana - Vrishana-kachchhu - Guda-Bhrams'a. . . . 85 - 93.
Suka-dosha: - Its classification. - Symptoms of different Types. - Progonsis. . . . . . 94 - 96.
Fracture and Dislocation, etc: - Their Causes. - General features of Sandhi-mukta (Dislocation). - Diagnostic Symptons of Dislocation. - Different kinds of Kanda-bhagna (Fracture) - General symptoms of Kanda-bhagna. - Curable and incurable Types. . . . 97 - ioo-
Mukha-Roga (Diseases which affect the cavity of the mouth in general): - General Classification and Localisation. - Diseases of the lips. - Dosha-origined Types. - Raktaja Type - Mangsaja Type - Medoja Type - Diseases of the roots of the teeth. - Their Names and specific Symptoms. - Danta-Na"di (Sinus at the root of a tooth). - Diseases of the tooth proper. - Their Names and specific Symptoms. - Diseases of the tongue - Their Names and specific Symptoms. - Diseases of the Palate - Their Names and specific Symptoms. - Diseases of the Throat and Larnyx - Their Names and specific Symptoms. - The different Kinds and Symptoms of Rohini. - Diseases in the entire cavity. . . ioi - III.
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