This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Cases of defective and excessive Tarpana should be remedied with the application of medicinal snuffs, Anjanas, washes and inhalations of smoke and by adopting dry or emulsive measures, (as the cases may require). 6.
Shrivelling and de-pilation of the eye-lashes, cloudiness and darkness of vision, archedness of sight, absolute want of lachrymation, parchedness of the eye, hardness of the eye-lid and a severely diseased condition of the eye arc amenable to the application of the Tarpana measure as giving tone to the eye. The Tarpana measure should not to be applied in a cloudy day, nor in a day excessively hot or cold. It should not be applied to the eye of a person engrossed by anxiety or fear, nor before the subsidence of the supervening symptoms (Upadrava) of the eye-disease. 7 - 8.
The Puta-patka measure should be applied in the aforesaid cases. The Puta-paka is not applicable in cases where Nasya (errhines), Tarpana and the internal application of Sneha (Sneha-pana) are forbidden. After a complete subsidence of the Dosha, the Puta-paka should be applied to the (affected) eye in cases where the patient would be found capable of being treated with it. The Puta-paka measure may be divided into three classes, viz., Snehana (emulsive), Lekhana (scraping) and Ropana (healing) Puta-paka. The Snehana (emulsive) Puta-paka is recommended in cases marked by the extreme parchedness of the affected organ or locality, and Lekhana (scraping) ones are efficacious in cases of excessive applications of the Sneha to the eye ; while the eye-sight is invigorated by the Ropana (healing) Puta-paka, which restores the Vata, * the Pitta and the blood of the affected locality to their natural conditions, and (consequently) heals the ulcer. 9-10.
The Snehana (emulsive) Puta-paka should be prepared with the flesh (of animals frequenting marshy places) abounding in Sneha † and with the Vasa (lard), Majjan (marrow), and Medas (fat), and the drugs of the Madhura group and it should be retained in the eye so long as one would take to utter two hundred syllables. The scraping or Lekhana Puta-paka should be prepared with the flesh and the liver of an animal of the Jangala species and the drugs possessing the Lekhana or scraping properties, as well as powders of black iron (steel), copper, conch-shells, Vidruma (corals), Saindhva salt, Samudra-phena, Kasisa (sulphate of iron) and Srotonjana (pasted together) with the cream of curd. The affected locality should be exposed to a Lekhana Puta-paka as long as one would take to utter a hundred syllables at most. The healing or Ropana Puta-paka should be prepared by cooking the flesh of an animal of the Jangala group with breast-milk, honey *, clarified butter and the bitter drugs, and should be retained in the affected eye for a period three times as much as the Lekhana-Puta-paka should be retained i.e., for a period as long as one would require to utter three hundred syllables. 11-13.
* A different reading, mentioned by Dallana, does not read "Vata." † In place of
meaning flesh abounding in Sneha, a different reading
(i. e. clarified butter and flesh) is quoted by Dallana.
The fumigating measures mentioned in connection with the Tarpana of an affected eye, as well as theappli cations of Sneha and Sveda, should be resorted to in the cases of the application of the Puta-paka measures, except in cases of the application of the Ropana Puta-paka. Puta-paka applications may be made on one day only or may be continued for two or three days. †. A strict regimen of diet and conduct should be observed for a period twice as long as the preparatory period (beginning with the time of administering the Sneha to the patient for preparing him for the application of the Puta-paka till the time of actually administering the Putapaka itself). 14 - 15.
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