Aschyotana And Seka

Properly prepared and applied, the Aschyotana and Seka measures would respectively subdue cases of slight and violent attacks of the eye. Like the Puta-paka measure these two also are devided into three classes viz. (Lekhana, Snehana and Ropana). Seven or eight drops of the medicinal fluid should be used in Lekhana-As'chyotana (for the purpose of scraping the affected eye); ten drops in the Snehana (for emulsive purposes) and twelve drops in the Ropana Aschyotana ( for the purpose of setting up a granulative process in a local sore or wound). The maximum period for which an (affected) eye should be subjected to the Seka measure is twice as long as is enjoined in respect of a Puta-paka measure * or until the disease is gradually and wholly removed. † Both the As'chyotana and the Seka applications should be made in the morning or evening or at noon (in accordance with the aggravation of the deranged Doshas), * or whenever there would be pain (in the affected eye), † The symptoms of proper and improper (excessive and deficient) applications of a Sneha (emulsive) Seka are identical with those of Tarpana. 22-23

* The period for which an affected eye should be subjected to the As'chyotana measure, is not given in the text, but Dallana says that it should be the same as observed in cases of Puta-paika- Some, however, hold that in cases of both Seka and As'chyotana the period would be twice as that for Puta-paka.

† This rule for subjecting the affected eye to the measure till the disease is gradually and wholly removed is for Seka and As'chyotana only; but according to some it is a general rule which applies also to cases of Puta-paka and Tarpana,etc.


The serious diseases peculiar to the head readily yeild to and are conquered by the application of Siro-vasti, which also produces the very good effects known as the Murdha-tailika ones peculiar to the use of (emulsive) Siro-vasti. The patient having been treated with purgatives and emetics (according to requirements ) should be given a proper diet according to the nature of the disease, and made to sit erect in the evening, when an animal bladder (the bladder of a goat being usually used for the purpose) filled with the proper Sneha, should be placed on his crown and firmly tied up with a bandage. The Sneha-filled bladder should be so retained on the head ten times as long as is necessary for Tarpana measure, according to the nature of the disease. 24-25.

Anjana: - Proper Anjana for Lekhana(scraping), Ropana (healing), or Prasadana (invigorating) purposes should be applied after the cleansing (purging, etc.) of the system in cases where the deranged bodily Doshas would manifest themselves in the region of the eye only. 26.

A Lekhana-Anjana should be prepared with the

* The Lekhana-seka and As'chyotana should be applied in the morning in the aggravation of Kapha, while the Snehana one should be applied in the afternoon in the aggravation of Vayu, - the Ropana ones being applied at noon in the aggravation of Blood and Pitta drugs of one or more tastes (Rasa) except the sweet one and should be used in five different ways according to the nature of the Dosha or Doshas involved in each case. * The Dosha accumulated in the regions of the eye and the eye-lids, in the ball, the passages, and in the capillaries of the eye, as well as in the gristle of the nose would be secreted through the mouth, the nostrils and the corners of the eyes by the application of a Lekhana Anjana. A Ropana-Anjana should be prepared with the drugs of bitter and astringent tastes (Rasa) mixed with (a little quantity of) clarified butter and is good for healing purposes. Owing to the presence of the Sneha, it is cooling in its effect and consequently gives natural colour and vigour to the eye. A Prasadana-Anjana, prepared with the drugs of sweet taste and with (a profuse quantity of) Sneha, imparts tone and vigour to the eyesight and should be used with advantage for all soothing purposes connected with the organ. The application of the different kinds of Anjana should be made in the morning, evening or in the night † in accordance with the nature of the deranged bodily Dosha or Doshas involved in each case. 27-30.

† Dallana holds, that both the Seka and As'chyotana measures may be applied whenever there is pain in the affected eye, but others hold that this rule applies only in cases of Seka.

* Incases of the derangement of the local Vayu, the Anjana should be prepared with the drugs of acid and saline tastes (Rasa) ; in the derangement of the Pitta with those of astringent taste ; in Kapha with those of astringent, bitter and pungent tastes In cases of the derangement of the blood, the Anjana should be like that in the derangement of Pitta, and in cases of the derangement of two or three Doshas simultaneously, the Anjana should be prepared with drugs of two or three of the tastes required.

† The Anjana should be applied in the morning, in the evening and in the night respectively in the cases of the derangement of the Kapha Vayu and the Pitta. According to the others, the S'odhana, the Ropana and the Snehana Anjanas should be respectively used in the morning, in the evening and in the night. Others, however, are of opinion that these different times should be judiciously selected in the different seasons of the year according to requirement.