This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The action of the satisfactory application of a Prasaidana (Snehana) Anjana is to soothe the eye, to impart a healthy tone to the organ of sight, to restore its natural colour and gloss, and to make it strong and unclouded and free from the aggravation of any Dosha, Any excess in the application is followed by results identical with those of excessive application of Tarpana (soothing measures) * to the organ, and the remedy consists in employing mild but parching remedies antidotal to the deranged bodily Dosha (Kapha) involved in the case. The symptoms which mark a satisfactory and excessive application of a Ropana (healing) Anjana, as well as the medical treatment to be applied in cases of excess, are identical with those mentioned in connection with the satisfactory and excessive application of the Prasadana (soothing) Anjanas (respectively). Deficient applications of both the Snehana (soothing) and the Ropana (healing) Anjanas (in respect of ocular affections) are sure to prove abortive in their effects. Care should, therefore, be taken to apply it properly, if it is hoped to get the wished-for result. 40-43.
Thousands of remedial measures and remedies may be devised and employed in the manner of the Puta-paka and other measures on the basis of the fundamental principles herein inculcated. 44.
Now we shall describe the recipes and preparations of several principal Anjanas fit for the use of kings and crowned heads for the purpose of giving strength to the eye-sight and for the amelioration of ocular affections (Kacha, etc.) amenable only to the palliative measures. Eight parts of Rasanjana (Antimony) having the hue of a (full-blown) blue lotus flower, as well as one part each of (dead) copper, gold and silver should be taken together and placed inside an earthen crucible. It should then be burnt by being covered with the burning charcoal of catechu or As'mantaka wood, or in the fire of dried cakes of cow-dung and blown (with a blow-pipe till they would glow with a blood-red effulgence) after which the expressed juice (Rasa) of cow-dung, cow's urine, milk-curd, clarified butter, honey, oil, urine, lard, marrow, infusion of the drugs of the Sarva-gandha group, grape-juice, sugarcane-juice, the expressed juice of Triphala and the completely cooled decoctions of the drugs of the Sarivadi and the Utpaladi groups, should be separately sprinkled over it in succession alternately each time with the heating thereof, (or to put it more explicitly, the crucible should be taken down after being heated and then one of these draughts should be sprinkled over its contents and then again heated and again sprinkled over with another draught, and so on). After that, the preparation should be kept suspended in the air for a week, so as to be fully washed by the rains. The compound should then be dried, pounded and mixed together with proportionate parts (quarter part) of powdered pearls, crystals, corals and Kalanu-sdrivd. The compound thus prepared is a very good Anjana and should be kept in a pure vessel made of ivory, crystal, Vaidurya, S'amkha (conch-shell), stone, gold or silver or of Asana wood. It should then be purified (lit. worshipped) in the manner of the purification of the Sahasra-Paka-Taila described before. It may then be prescribed even for a king. Applied along the eye-lids as a collyrium, it enables a king to become favourite with his subjects and to continue invincible to the last day of his life free from ocular affections. 45.
* See S'loka 5 of this Chapter.
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