This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The use of huskless Kásmaryaja seeds for rejuvinating purposes, is similar to the preceding one, except that it requires a separate kind of diet and does not require the use to lie on the ground. Under this treatment, the diet should consist of (boiled) rice and well-boiled milk and the beneficial effects that would result from its use, are identical with those of the foregoing one. These remedies should be employed in diseases originating through the vitiated blood and Pitta of the system. 7.
A Pala or half a Pala weight of the (powdered) roots of the Valá should be well-stirred in cow's milk and taken (every day) and the patient or the user should not be allowed to stir out of his room as prescribed before (during the entire course of taking the medicine). He should be advised to take a meal consisting of boiled rice, milk and clarified butter after the medicine had been fully digested. Premature old age and senile decay would be arrested for a period of twelve years by taking this elixir continuously for twelve days in the foregoing manner, whereas an extension of its course to a hundred days would add a hundred summers to the duration of his youthful age. Ati-valá, Nága-valá, Vidári, Satávari may be similarly taken for the same purposes, with this distinction that the (powders of) the Ati-valá should be taken with water, those of the Nága-valá, with honey, whereas Vidári and the S'atávari powders should be taken with milk. The regimen of diet and conduct as well as the beneficial results produced therefrom should be the same (as from the use of Valá). The present remedies are recommended to persons seeking strength or suffering from an attack of Hœmatemesis or Hcematochczia * 8.
A Tula measure of the powders of Váráhi-bulbs should be taken in an adequate dose (everyday) by mixing it with honey and stirring it with milk A meal of boiled rice with clarified butter and milk should be taken after it had been digested and the patient should be advised to observe a regimen of diet and conduct (Pratishedha) as laid down before (in connection with the foregoing elixirs).
By using it a man is enabled to witness a hundred summers and does not feel any fatigue after sexual excesses. A quantity of this powder should be mixed with milk and boiled (according to the rules of Kshirapaka). When sufficiently cooled, the milk should be churned and the clarified butter produced therefrom should be taken after the medicine had been digested. A continuous use of the medicine for a month enables a man to live up to a good hundred years. 9,
* Suffering from consumption and hœmoptysis. - D. R.
A decoction should be made by boiling together the pith of the Vijaka * (Pita Sála) and the roots of the Agni-mantha with which a Prastha measure of Másha-pulse should be duly cooked. When the Másha-pulse is sufficiently boiled, an Aksha measure of powdered Chitraka roots and the expressed juice of the Amalaka weighing a fourth part of the Másha-pulse should be added to it, and the whole compound should be removed (from the oven) at the close of the cooking. When cooled down this compound should be taken in adequate doses with honey and clarified butter after consecrating it a thousand times with appropriate Mantras. Persons seeking longevity and a stronger or improved range of vision should take this and they should be advised to take their meals without any salt. The meal, after the digestion of the medicine, should consist of boiled rice and a copious quantity of clarified butter and should be taken with unsalted Mudga, and Amalaka soup or with milk alone. A continuous use of either of these two medicines for three consecutive months would make a man's eye-sight as keen and foresighted as that of a Suparnat † and enable him to witness a hundred summers in the full vigour of health, strength and manhood. ‡ 10.
* Dallana recommends one Pala weight of Vijaka Sára and Agni-mantha to be boiled in an Adhaka measure of water which should be reduced to one half for the preparation of the decoction.
† Suparna is the king of birds and is said to be the most keen-sighted.
‡ Dallana says that some commentators do not read this, since they do not consider it to be a part of the original text. Jejjata also has not read this.
The use of Sana (seeds) boiled with milk and taken also with milk guards against the loss of flesh and prevents the body from suffering any decay, 11.
Thus ends the Twenty-seventh Chapter of the Chikitsita Sthánam in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with elixirs and rejuvenators.
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