Propertimes Forthe Administration Of Medicines

We shall now speak of the ten specific times (i. e. proper occasions) for the administration of medicines. They are - Nir-bhakta, Prag-bhakta, Adho-bhakta, Madhye-bhakta, Antani-bhakta, Sa-bhakta, Samudga, Muhur-muhuh, Grasa and Grasantara. 23.

Of the above medicines what is applied alone (with or without some vehicle but not with any food or drink) is called Nirbhakta medicine. A medicine not applied with any food (but applied by itself with or without any vehicle) would have greater effect and would soon and certainly destroy the disease it is applied in ; but a medicine should not be applied in this way to a child, an old man, a young woman and persons of mild temperament, for it is likely to produce lassitude and weaken the patient (in such cases). 24.

A medicine taken (in an empty stomach) just before a meal, is called Pra'gbhakta. A medicine taken in such a manner, is easily digested, does not lead to any diminution of strength and is not ejected out of the mouth owing to its being covered over with the meal, On the other hand, taken before the meal, it adds to the bodily strength and proves the most convenient form in which a medicine can be administered to old men, infants, females and persons of timid disposition. A medicine taken just after a meal is called Adhobhakta It conquers diseases which affect the upper part of the body and gives strength in many ways. 25-26.

A medicine taken in the course of a meal is called Madhyebhakta. A medicine taken in this manner fails to be diffused all through the organism and hence proves beneficial only in those ailments which are confined to the middle part of the body. A medicine taken between the two meals (i. e. after the morning-meal but before the evening-meal) is called Antaraibhakta. It is invigorating to the mind, greatly appetising and Hridya (agreeable) and is beneficial in every respect. A medicine applied with* any food is called Sabhakta. It is most convenient to administer a medicine with food in cases of female, old and infant patients as well as in cases of those averse to taking any medicine. 27-29.

* "A medicine applied with food" may mean a medicine prepared before and taken with the meal ; or, it may mean that the meal is cooked (while being prepared) with the medicines to be applied.

A medicine taken at the beginning and again at the close of a meal is called Sa'mudga. This form of administration is most beneficial in cases where the deranged bodily Doshas take both the (upward and downward) courses. A medicine taken at intervals, cither with or without food, is called Muhurmuhuh. This mode is to be adopted in severe cases of asthma, cough, hiccough and vomiting. A medicine taken with every morsel (Grasa) of food is called Grasa In this form the medicine in the shape of a powder is administered for increasing the appetite in cases of weak patients. Vajikara (aphrodisiac) medicines are also better administered in this form. A medicine taken with each alternate morsel of food is called Grasantara Emetics and Dhumas as well as the well-known and well-experimented lambatives for cases of asthma should be administered in this form. These are the ten proper occasions for administering medicines. 30-33.

Proper Time For Taking Food

The proper time for giving diet to a patient is when he gets free stool, urine and eructations, and feels his body and sense-organs light and free, when he gets free actions of the heart as well as natural courses of his bodily (Apana) Vayu, when he feels hungry (D. R. feels easy) and has got relish for food and when his Kukshi (belly) becomes light (i. e. when his belly appears to be empty on account of hunger). 34.

Thus ends the sixty-fourth chapter in the Uttara-tantra of the Susruta-Samhita which deals with the Rules of Hygiene.