Prohibitions Of Anointments, Etc

Anointments of the body simply with (unmedicated) Sneha are strictly forbidden in cases of undigested (Ama) Doshas (as long as the aggravated Doshas of the body continue in an unassimilated or undigested state and in their full virulence and intensity). Anointment should not be resorted to in cases of acute fever and indigestion, nor after the exhibition of emetics and purgatives, nor after an application of a Nirudha-Vasti. Anointment in the first two cases (acute fever and indigestion) serves to make the diseases curable with difficulty and even incurable, while that made on the same day after the application of purgatives, emetics, or a Nirudha-Vasti, tends to impair the digestive capacity, etc. Anointment is similarly prohibited in diseases due to Samtar-pana (repletion, etc). 22 - 24.

Physical Exercise: What is (popularly) known as physical exercise is (nothing but) a sense of weariness from bodily labour, and it should be taken every day. After taking physical exercise, the whole body should be shampooed, until it gives rise to a comfortable sensation in the limbs. It makes the body stout and strong, helps the symmetrical growth of the limbs and muscles, improves the complexion and the digestive powers, prevents laziness and makes the body light and glossy, firm and compact. The power of enduring fatigue and weariness and the variations of temperature, thirst, etc., are the virtues which are invariably found to follow in its train. It leads to an undiseased existence and is the best means of reducing corpulency. The enemies of a man habituated to regular physical exercises, dare not molest him through fear (for his strength - D. R.). Imbecility and senile decay never approach him, and the muscles of his body become firm and steady. Diseases fly from the presence of a person, habituated * to regular physical exercise and (subsequent) shampooing, just as small beasts do on seeing a lion. It makes an aged and deformed man (young and) good-looking. Food consisting of articles incompatible in their potency, and indigested and decomposed food are easily digested in a man who takes regular physical exercise (and cannot produce any bad effect) Regular physical exercise is (particularly) beneficial to a strong man accustomed to the use of emollient food (abounding in proteid matter), in all seasons of the year; but in the winter and the spring, it is highly indispensably) necessary for him. A man seeking his own good should take physical exercise every day only to the half extent of his capacity (Valárdha), as otherwise it may prove fatal. That amount of exercise which makes the Prána-Váyu come out through the mouth † (i.e., as soon as hard-breathing would set in), is known as the Valárdha exercise. One's own age, strength, physique and food as well as the season of the year and the physical nature of the country are the factors which should be considered before one began to take physical exercise, as otherwise it might bring on some disease 25.

* Dallana's reading here evidently isProhibitions Of Anointments Etc 200135 in place ofThis would mean "of one taking so much exercise as produces sweat."

† According to several authorities, the appearance of perspiration on the nose, the axilla, the forehead and in the joints of the hands and the legs and dryness of the mouth are the symptoms which indicate that one has taken Valárdha physical exercise (i.e., to the half extent of his capacity). - Dallana.

Consumption, haemorrhage (Rakta-pitta), thirst phthisis, aversion to food, vomiting, illusiveness, weariness, fever, cough and asthma are the diseases, which are likely to originate from excessive physical exercise, and is, therefore, forbidden after a meal and the fatigues of sexual intercourse, in a fit of vertigo and in respect of persons suffering from haemorrhage, phthisis, cachexia, cough, asthma and ulcer. 26-27.

The deranged Váyu of the body is restored to its normal condition by the help of Udvartana (massage). It reduces the fat and the aggravated Kapha of the system, smoothes and cleanses the skin and imparts a firmness to the limbs. 28.

Utsádana (rubbing) and Udgharshana * (friction) tend to dilate the orifice of the (superficial) ducts and increase the temperature of the skin. Utsádana specifically improves the complexion of females and gives a lovely appearance, cleanliness, beauty and suppleness to the female form. Udgharshana (friction) pacifies the bodily Váyu, cures itches, rashes and eruptions (Kotha). Phenaka † imparts lightness and steadiness to the thighs, cures itches, eruptions, Váta-stambha and excretal diseases. Friction of the body with brickbat powders excites the heat of skin, brings on the dilation of the orifices of the bodily ducts, and cures itches and Kotha. 29-32

* Utsádana and Udgharshana are the two kinds of rubbing the body with medicinal powders with and without a Sneha respectively.

† Phenaka is a kind of friction of the body with small wooden rollers.

Bathing:-Bathing removes somnolence, (inordinate) bodily heat and a sense of fatigue. It allays thirst and checks itching and perspiration, brings on a fresh relish for food, removes all bodily impurities, clears the sense-organs, gladdens the mind, purifies the blood, increases the appetising power, destroys drowsiness and sin, and increases semen. The sight of a man is invigorated by applying cold water to the head at the time of bathing, while the pouring of warm water on the head tends to injure the eye-sight In cases of an aggravation of the deranged Váyu and Kapha, the head may be washed with warm water, as a medicine, after a careful consideration of the intensity of the disease. 33-35