This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Bathing in extremely cold water in winter tends to enrage the bodily Váyu and the Kapha, while bathing in hot water in summer agitates the blood and the Pitta. Bathing is not beneficial in fever, diarrhoea, ear-ache, tympanites, Adhmána, aversion to food and indigestion, and in the disorders or diseases due to the actions of the deranged Váyu. It should not also be taken just after a meal. 36-38.
Anulepana: - Anointing (Anulepana) the body (with scented pastes) removes a sense of fatigue and foetor and perspiration. It produces a sense of pleasure and improves the Ojas, the strength and the complexion of the body enhances the beauty and glow of the frame and gives it a lovely appearance Anulepana is forbidden in those cases in which bathing is prohibited. 39.
The wearing of gems, flowers and clean clothes is beneficial in a variety of ways, as it acts as a good prophylactic against the influences of monsters and malignant spirits, enhances the Ojas and the beauty of the body and keeps the mind in a cheerful mood and proves highly auspicious. 40.
Alepa.: - Besmearing (Alepa the face (with scented pastes, etc.) imparts steadiness to the eyes, brings on a broad and graceful contour of the cheeks and mouth, produces their healthful glow like that of a lotus flower and prevents its disfigurement by pimples, moles and such like growths and eruptions (Vyanga). The use of collyrium (Anjana) furthers the growth of large and beautiful eyelashes, cleanses the eyes by removing the unhealthy secretions, makes the eyes more wide and graceful and also imparts a brilliant lustre to the pupils. 41-42.
Devotion to the gods and Bráhmanas and hospitality towards guests (Atithi) add to one's good name, piety, wealth, progeny and duration of life. Food (Ahára) nourishes and gladdens the heart and directly contributes to one's bodily strength, It improves the memory, appetising power, energy and the natural strength of the mind (Tejas) and increases the Ojas and the duration of one's life. 43-44.
Washing the feet increases the semen (Vrishya), removes the sense of fatigue, gladdens the heart, makes the soles free from all adhering dirt and local diseases, acts as a prophylactic against evil spirits (Rakshoghna) and clears up * the vision. Anointing (Abhyanga) the feet (with oil, etc) brings on sleep. It is refreshing and invigorating to the body and the sight, removes all drowsiness and sense of fatigue and softens the skin of the soles of the feet. 45-46.
* Dallana explains that washing the feet keeps the nerve (Nádi) joining the soles with the eyes cool and thus helps to clear up the vision. There is a custom of frequently washing the feet amongst the Hindus most probably on this account. - Ed.
The use of shoes is efficacious in curing the diseases of the feet and is conducive to pleasure and verile potency. It acts as a prophylactic against the influences of evil spirits, makes walking easy and pleasant, and improves the Ojas in the body. Walking without shoes is perilous to life and health, and is attended with the danger of impaired vision. 47-48.
The shaving of hair and the paring of nails lead to the expiation of one's sins, make a man cheerful, tend to appease his fate, increase his energy and impart a. lightness to the frame. The putting on of armour (Vánavára) improves one's strength, energy and complexion and gives a lustre to the body. The wearing of a turban (Ushnisha) acts as a protection against wind, dust, sun and light, helps the luxurious growth of hair and tends to improve the purity of the mind. 49-51.
The use of an umbrella is a protection against rain, wind, dust, dew and sun. It improves one's energy, Ojas, eye-sight and complexion, and is an auspicious thing in itself. The use of a stick (Danda) dispels the fear of dogs, snakes, beasts of prey, (tigers, etc.) and horned animals. It considerably alleviates the toil of a journey, lessens the probability of making a false step and is specially commended to the weak and imbecile. It increases one's energy, strength and patience, makes the mind firm and bold, acts as a proper support and makes one fearless. 52 53.
Sitting idle (Asyá) gives pleasure. It improves the glow of one's complexion, increases the Kapha and corpulency and makes the body delicate,while an active pedestrian habit (Adhva) is detrimental to the complexion. It reduces the fat and Kapha of the body, and removes the delicateness of the frame. Contrary results (to those produced by sitting idle) are produced by excessive walking which further brings on weakness and emaciation of the body. A gentle walk or stroll, which is not very fatiguing to the body, tends, on the contrary, to improve his memory, strength, digestive capacity (Agni) and the functions of the sense-organs. It increases also the duration of life. 54-57.
Lying down in an easy posture on a soft bed removes the sense of fatigue, pacifies or soothes the bodily Váyu, brings on sleep and lost recollections to the mind, is spermatopoetic and is conducive to the growth of the body; while lying down in a contrary manner is attended with contrary results. Fanning with Chowries (Vála-vyajana) is refreshing and keeps off flies and mosquitoes; while fanning (with ordinary fans) arrests perspiration, removes the sense of fatigue and fainting fits, and alleviates the burning, scorching and parched sensations. Shampooing (Samváhana) is pleasant, refreshing, soporific, and spermatopoetic (Vrishya). It destroys the bodily Váyu and Kapha, removes the sense of fatigue and is soothing to the blood, skin and the muscles. 58-60.
A strong wind (Praváta) is parchifying in its effect and injurious to the complexion. It destroys the burning sensation (if any) in the body, allays thirst, removes fainting fits and stops perspiration, but (at the same time) produces numbness of the body and destroys the digestive powers; whereas the contrary results are produced by a gentle wind. The gentle breeze of summer and of autumn should be breathed (as it is attended with beneficial results to the health). A seeker after health and a long life should reside in a chamber, not exposed to strong blasts of wind (Niváta). An undue exposure to the sun (Atapa) aggravates the Pitta, but increases the power of digestion. It agitates the blood and begets thirst, perspiration, faintness (sun-stroke), vertigo and a burning sensation in the body attended with a discolouring of the complexion, etc.; whereas the contrary results are produced by a (cool) shade (Chháyá). A basking in the glare of fire (Agni) remedies the (wrong) coursing of the Váyu and Kapha, removes cold and shivering, digests the slimy secretions in the channels; but aggravates the blood and Pitta, A good sleep (Nidrá) enjoyed at the proper time (and for the proper period) tends to improve the growth, strength, vigour and complexion of the body. It increases the power of digestion, removes drowsiness, and restores the natural equilibrium among the different fundamental principles (Dhátus) of the organism. 61 65.
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