This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The process (menstruation) commences at the twelfth year, flowing once in every month, and continues till the fiftieth * year when it disappears with the sensible decay of the body. 8
A visit † to one's wife on even days during the cata-menial period (twelve days in all from the cessation of the flow) leads to the conception of a male child while an intercourse on odd days results in the birth of a daughter. Hence a man, seeking a male-issue, should approach his wife for the purpose in a clean body and with a quiet and calm spirit on an even date. 9.
A sense of fatigue and physical languor, thirst, lassitude and weariness in the thighs, suppression of the flow of semen and menstrual secretion (Sukra and Sonita) out of the uterus (Yoni), and throbbing in the organ (after coition) are symptoms of a recent fecundation. 10.
A black rash (areola) around the nipples of the mammae, the rising appearance of a row of hair (as far as the umbilicus), contractions of the eye-wings, sudden vomitings, nausea which does not abate even on smelling perfumes, waterbrash, and a sense of general lassitude are the indications of pregnancy, II.
* Some are of opinion that the menstruation continues up to the sixtieth year.
† According to Videha, menstrual secretion flows less on even days, hence a son is born if the sexual intercourse be made on those days; whereas menstrual secretion becomes more on odd days, so a daughter is born if the intercourse be made on odd days.
According to Bhoja, a son is born from intercourse on even days and a daughter is born from that on odd days. The birth of a male issue is due to the preponderance of semen virile and that of a female sex is due to the preponderance of menstrual secretion. If both the secretions be equal (in quality and quantity) a hermaphrodite is issued.
Immediately on the ascertainment of her pregnancy, a woman should avoid all kinds of physical labour, sexual intercourse, fasting, causes of emaciation of the body, day-sleep, keeping of late hours, indulgence in grief, fright, journey by carriage or in any kind of conveyance, sitting on her haunches, excessive application of Sneha-karmas etc., and venesection at an improper time (i.e , after the eighth month of gestation), and voluntary retention of any natural urging of the body. 12.
The child in the womb feels pain in the same part of its body as the one in which its mother feels any; whether this (pain) may be from an injury or through the effect of any deranged morbific principle (Dosha) of her organism. 13.
in the first month of gestation a gelatinous substance is only formed (in the womb); the molecules of the primary elements (Mahábhuta - air, fire, earth, water, and ether) being acted upon by cold (Kapham) heat (Pittam) and air (Váyu or nerve-force) are condensed in the second month. A lump-like appearance (of that confused matter) indicates the male-sex (of the embryo). An elongated-like shape of the matter denotes that the foetus belong to the opposite sex; whereas its tumourlike shape (like a Sálmali-bud) predicts the absence of any sex (i e. a hermaphrodite). In the third month, five lump-like protuberances appear at the places where the five organs - namely the two hands, two legs and the head - would be and the minor limbs and members of the body are formed in the shape of extremely small papillae. In the fourth month all the limbs and organs (of the body of the embryo) become more potent and the foetus is endowed with consciousness owing to the formation of viscus of the heart. As heart is the seat of consciousness, so as the heart becomes potent, it is endowed with consciousness and hence it expresses its desire for things of taste, smell etc. (through the longings of its mother). The enciente is called double-hearted (Dauhrida) at the time, whose wishes and desires - not being honoured and gratified - lead to the birth of a paralysed, hump-backed, crooked-armed, lame, dwarfed, defect-eyed, and a blind child. Hence the desires of the enciente should be gratified, which would ensure the birth of a strong, vigorous and long-lived son. 14.
A physician should cause the longings of a pregnant woman (Dauhrida) to be gratified inasmuch as such gratifications would alleviate the discomforts of gestation; her desires being fulfilled ensure the birth of a strong, long-lived, and virtuous son. A non-fulfilment of her desires during pregnancy, proves injurious both to her child and her ownself. A non-gratification of any sensual enjoyment by its mother [Dauhrida) during gestation tends to painfully affect the particular sense-organ of the child.
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