This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
An enciente longing for a royal interview during her gestation (fourth month) gives birth of a child, who is sure to be rich and to hold a high position in life Her longing for fine silks, clothes, ornaments etc. indicates the birth of a beautiful child of aesthetic taste. The birth of a pious and self-controlled child is indicated by its mother's longing for a visit to a hermitage. The desire of a pregnant woman to see a divine image or an idol, predicts the birth of a child in her womb who would grace the council of an august assembly in life. Similarly, a desire to see a savage animal on the part of a pregnant woman signifies the presence of a child of savage and cruel temperament in her womb. A desire for the flesh of a Godha indicates the presence of a sleepy, drowsy person in her womb who would be tenaciously fond of good things in life. Similarly a longing for beef on the part of the mother (during gestation) indicates the birth of a strong and vigorous child capable of sustaining any amount of fatigue and physical pain A longing for buffalo-meat of the mother indicates the birth of a hairy, valiant and red-eyed child (in her womb); a longing for boar-flesh indicates the birth of a drowsy child though valiant; a longing for venison indicates that of an energetic, determined and sylvan-habited child; a longing for Srimàra-meat indicates that of a distracted person; a longing for the flesh of Tittira bird indicates that of a child of timid disposition; whereas a desire on the part of an enciente for the flesh of any particular animal indicates that the child in the womb would be of such stature and would develop such traits of character in life as are peculiar to that animal. The desires of a woman during her pregnancy are determined by ordained fate and effects of the acts of the child in its prior existence (that are to be happened during the present life). 15.
In the fifth mouth the foetus is endowed with mind (Manah,) and wakes up from the sleep of its sub-conscious existence. In the sixth month cognition (Buddhi) comes in. In the seventh month all the limbs and members of its body are more markedly developed. The Ojo-dhatu (in the heart of the foetus) does not remain silent in the eighth month * A child born at that time (eighth month) dies for want of Ojo-dhátu soon after its birth, a fact which may be equally ascribed to the agency of the malignant monsters Hence (in the eighth month of gestation) offerings of meat should be made to the demons and monsters (for the safe continuance of the child). The parturition takes place either in the ninth, tenth, eleventh or twelfth month of conception, otherwise something wrong with the foetus should be apprehended. 16.
The umbilical chord (Nádi) of the foetus is found to be attached to the cavity of the vein or artery of its maternal part through which the essence of lymph-chyle (Rasa) produced from the assimilated food of the mother, enters into its organism and fastens its growth and development, (a fact which may be understood from the analogy of percolation or transudation of blood). Immediately after the completion of the process of fecundation, the vessels (Dhamani) of its maternal body which carry the lymph-chyle (Rasa) and run laterally and longitudinally in all directions through it, tend to foster the foetus with their own transudation all through its continuance in the womb. 17.
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