This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
An adequate quantity of clarified butter duly cooked with the seeds of Apámárga and of the two kinds of S'vetá, S'irisha, and Kákamáchi (previously) pasted with the urine of a cow is known as the Amrita-Ghrita. It embraces within the pale of its therapeutic virtues all cases of poisoning and is capable of bringing back an apparently dead man to life. 5.
The following drugs viz., (red) sandal wood, Aguru, Kushtha, Tagara, Tila-parnika, Prapaundarika, Nalada, Sara/a, Deva-dáru, Bhadra-s'ri (white sandal wood), Yava-phalá, Bhárgi, Nili, Sugandhiká, Káhyaka, Padmaka, Madhuka, Nágara, Jatá (a variety of Jatá-mámsi), Punnága, Eld, Elaválu, Gairika, Dhyámaka, Balá, Toya, Sarjarasa, Mámsi, Sita-pushpá, Harenuká, Talis'a-patra, small Eld, Priyangu, Kutamiata, S'áila pushpa, S'ailcya, Patra, Kálámi-Sárivá, Tri-katu, S'ita-s'iva * Kásmarya, Katu-rohini, Somardji,Ati-visha, Prithviká, Indra-váruni, Us'ira, Varuna, Musta, Nakha, Kustum-buru, the two kinds of S'vetá, † the two kinds of Haridrá, Sthauncya, Lákshá, the five kinds of officinal salts, Kumuda, Utpala, Padtna, flower of Arka, flowers and fruits of Champaka, As'oka, Sumanas, Tilaka (sesamum), Pátali, Sálmali, S'elu, S'irisha, Surasi, Trina-s'uli and of Sindhuvdra, flowers of Dhava, As'va-karna, and Tinisa, Guggula, Kumkuma, Vimbi, Sarpá-kshi and Gandha-Ndkuli should be carefully collected and pasted with honey, clarified butter and the bile of a cow and should be kept inside a horn (or a receptacle made of that material). This medicine, which is the best of all anti-venomous medicinal preparations, would rescue from the jaws of death, a patient even with drooped down shoulders and sunk and upturned eyes. It is capable of destroying in a moment the irresistible fire like poison even of the dreadful infuriated Vásuki, the king of serpents. This Agada which consists of eighty-five ingredients is called the Mahá-sugandhi Agada and is the most potent of all anti-venomous remedies. It should constantly be in the possession of a king. Smeared with the present preparation he is sure to be a favourite with all his subjects and to shine with his sovereign majesty even amidst his enemies. 6.
* Dallana explains "S'ita-s'iva" to mean "camphor". Others explain it to mean "S'ami."
† The text has "S'vetá" in the dual number meaning the two kinds of "S'vetá viz; white Vacha and white Aparájitá. Dallana gives only
A physician well versed in the natures of poisons, should adopt all remedial measures excepting the heat-engendering ones in all types of poisoning. But this rule would not be applicable in a case of insect-bite inasmuch as the poison of an insect is cool in its potency and hence would be aggravated by the application of any cooling measures. 7.
"Vachi" as its synonym, which shows he takes the word in the singular number and not in the dual as in the printed text. This appears to be the correct reading, for otherwise the number of the drugs in the list would be more than eighty-five.
Wholesome diets which have been enumerated in the chapter on Anupána-Vidhi, should be prescribed in cases of poisoning after a due consideration of the nature, habit, and temperament of the patient who should be warned against the use of unwholesome ones. The use of Phanita (liquid treacle), S'igru, Sauvira, the taking of meals before the digestion of the previous ones, the group of Nava-Dhanya (unmatured corn), wine, sesa-mum, oil and Kulattha-pulse, sleep in the day time, sexual intercourse, physical exercise, fits of anger and exposure to the sun are forbidden in the case of a poisoned patient. 8.
Symptoms of elimination of poison:
- The restoration of the deranged Doshas and of the vital principles (Dhatus of the body) to their normal state, a natural craving for food and drink, the normal colour and condition of the tongue and of the urine and the normal state and functions of the mind and of the sense-organs in a poisoned patient would indicate the full and complete elimination of the poison from his system. 9.
Thus ends the Seventh Chapter of the Kalpa-Sthána in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which treats of the sounds of medicated drums, etc.
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