This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Now I shall describe the cooling measures which should be employed for alleviating the burning sensation (Da'ha) in the case of a rich patient. The body of such a patient under the circumstances should be smeared at the outest with Chandana .white sandal wood) pastes made cooler by the contact of cold beams of the moon, pearl-necklaces and the water produced from melted ice. He should be laid down in a bed of full-blown lotus flowers sparkling with dew drops or of lotus-leaves sprinkled with spray of translucent water, and youthful damsels decked with necklace and bangles of lotus-stems cooler even than cold water, should be asked to touch him. He should try to alleviate the burning feeling by strolling on the banks of a tank in a garden in the soft, cool and sweet breeze bearing on its wings the soft perfume of Kalhara (red) lotus and water-moss dancing in the adjoining tank. Water cooled and charged with Us'ira, Valaka and (white) sandal paste should be sprinkled over his body, or he should be made to sport in a cleansed tank filled with freshly collected water cmbalmed with full-blown red and blue lotus-flowers and scents (e. g. sandal pastes) after being smeared with sandal paste and with the hairs of his body standing on their roots with the magnetic touch of beloved female hands. Here he should take his bath with young, gay and beautiful damsels skilful in aquatic sports refreshing him with the lotus-like touch of their cold hands, thighs and mouth and hard (i.e., full-grown) breasts and with their sweet words. 37-A.
* Decoction of the drugs of Madhura-gana and of the drugs of cold virtues.
He should lie down, when tired, in a cool chamber cooled with watery breeze, fitted with fountains and made dusky with the misty jets (vapours; of water. The floor of the chamber should be sprinkled over with scented water and flowers and the walls thickly coated with pastes of sandal wood, Teja-patra and Valaka. The chamber should be scented and decorated with Mansi, Tamala, Musta, Kumkuma, Padma-leaves, Jati-flower, Utpala (blue-lotus), Priyangu, Kes'ara (Bakula), and Pundarika (red-lotus), Punnaga, Naga-Kes'ara, and Karavira and there in the room with garlands of flowers gently swinging in the sweet and lazy wind, the patient should lie down and listen to the sweet discourses about the Hemanta, the Vindhya, the Malaya or the Himalaya mountains as well as about cold water, leaves of Kadali or of any other evergreen tree or plant and about the receptacles of full-blown blue or red lotus, as well as about topics of moon-rise, or any other subject which may be calculated to be agreeable to his mind under the circumstances. Young and beautiful damsels with their full and thick-set breasts and thighs anointed with sandal pastes, being clad in wet clothes (adhering to and advantageously showing the splendid contours of their limbs, etc.,) and with their necklaces and girdles loosely sliding down their bosoms and slender waists should He there with him in their firm embrace. These damsels should refresh him with their secret charms in that lonely chamber and by means of their bodily coolness would be able to alleviate the burning sensation of aggravated Pitta due to overdrinking. 37.
These are the measures in general which should be employed also in the cases of burning sensation due to the aggravated condition of blood, Pitta and thirst. Now hear me discourse on the measures which are to be specifically employed in the case of a burning sensation in the body under different circumstances. 38 A.
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