This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Shivering, irregular fits of fever, dryness of the throat, lips and of the mouth, loss of sleep, stoppage of sneezing, par-chedness of the skin, pain in the head, chest and limbs, distaste in the mouth, suppression (D. R. - hardness) of stool and aching pain (in the abdomen) arc the characteristics of a case of fever due to the action of the deranged Vayu of the body. 11.
High fever (hyperpyrexia), diarrhoea, scanty but disturbed sleep, vomiting, inflamation in the throat, lips, mouth and nostrils, perspiration, delirious talks, swoon or fainting fits, burning sensation in the body, loss of consciousness, pungent taste in the mouth, yellowness of the stool, urine and of the eyes and vertigo are the symptoms which mark the Pittaja type of fever. 12.
Heaviness of the limbs, shivering, nausea, appearance of goose-flesh, excessive sleep, obstruction of the internal passages of the body, slight pain (in the limbs), water-brash, sweet taste in the mouth, slight heat in the body, vomiting, lassitude, mal-assimilation (Avi-pakata), whiteness (glossinss) of the eyes are the indications which point to the Kaphaja origin of the disease. 13.
Insomnia, vertigo, laboured or difficult breathing, drowsiness (somnolence), a sense of innertness in the limbs, aversion to food, thirst, swoon, delirium, numbness, burning sensation and shivering of the body, pain about the region of the heart, delayed assimilation of the deranged bodily Uoshas, (temporary) insanity, blackish yellow coat on the teeth, blackness and roughness of the tongue, pain in the head, in the joints and in the bone, dilation of the pupil and cloudiness of the eyes, pain and ringing in the ears, delirious talks, inflamation of the living membranes of the channels (of the nose and of the mouth), indistinct sound in the mouth, coma (loss of consciousness) as well as perspiration, scanty emission of urine and faecal matter at long intervals, are the symptoms which are exhibited in a case of fever due to the concerted action of all the three deranged Doshas of the body ( Fri-dc-shaja or Sannipataja) 14.
Now hear from me about the peculiar forms of this type of fever the symptoms whereof are as follows: - Where a slight or imperceptible rise of the bodily heat, or a slightly subnormal temperature attended with a subcomatose state, erroneous vision, loss of voice, injured or cracked condition of the tongue, dryness of the throat, suppression of stool, perspiration and urine, tearful eyes, hardness of the thorax *, aversion to food, dulness of complexion, difficult breathing and delirious talks and other concomitant symptoms are the specific indications in a patient always confined to his bed, it is known by the name of Abhinyasa, while others call it a case of Hatanjasa fever. 15.
An attack of Sannipataja fever can be cured only with the greatest difficulty, while others hold it to be almost incurable. A case of Sannipataja fever attended with somnolence is called Abhinyasa, it is called Hatanjasa when the vitality of the patient is greatly diminished and it is called Sannyasa when there is an innertness of the limbs. 16
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When (in a case of Sannipataja fever), the Ojo-dhatu (one of the fundamental principles) of the organism being disturbed or agitated by the deranged and aggravated Pitta and Vayu, gives rise to shivering and numbness of limbs and makes the patient drop into fits of unconsciousness whether asleep or awake, and when there are somnolence delirious talks, horripilation, looseness of the limbs and slight pain (in the body) - this kind of fever is called Ojo-nirodhaja fever (due to an obstruction or an overwhelmed condition of the Ojo-dhatu) by the experts. 17.
The disease, (in such cases) finds aggravation on the seventh, the tenth or on the twelfth day * when the case takes either a favourable turn or ends in death. 18.
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