This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Milk may be given with advantage in a case of chronic or lingering fever marked by the scanty presence of the deranged bodily Dosha in the system, by emaciation of the frame and by mental depression as well as in a case of Vata-pittaja fever accompanied by dryness of the organism and non-emission or otherwise of the deranged bodily Doshas as well as in a case of fever marked by thirst or burning sensation. But milk taken in a case of fever in its acute stage is highly injurious. 63.
A spare and light diet for a weak person should be observed in all cases of lexer, when its intensity abates, as, otherwise by a heavy diet, it is aggravated. A proper and wholesome diet should be given in a case of fever even if the patient would show a positive aversion to it since the want of food at the proper time or when the system craves for it, is sure to be followed by the waste of the body, and may bring about death in the end. A food which is heavy of digestion (Guru), or secreting Kapha-producing) in its effect should by no means be taken nor should food be taken at an improper time, since such a food which is not beneficial, is neither conducive to longevity nor to happiness (in a case of fever). 64 - 66.
A light diet (such as milk or essence of meat) may be given in copious quantity and with advantage to a patient emaciated through a long and protracted attack of Satataka or Vishama fever. The soup of such pulses as Mudga, Masura, Chanaka (gram), Kulattha and Makushtaka, etc. may be given with benefit as diet to the hungry patient suffering from fever. 67. A
Meat-diet: - The meat of Lava, Kapinjala, Ena, Prishata, Sarablia, Kala-puchchha, Kuranga, Mriga-matrika (different kinds of deer) or S'as'a (hare) may be prescribed as diet for a fever-patient accustomed to the use of animal food *. Several authorities, however, † do not recommend the use of the meat of Sarasa, Krouncha, Mayura (peacock), Kukkuta (cock) and of Tittira in cases of fever, owing to its heaviness (as regards digestion), as well as to its heat-making potency. (We, too, subscribe to this opinion with a certain limitation) The use of the flesh of these animals may, however, be recommended in a case of fever in moderate quantitiy and at proper time provided the fever is marked by a preponderance of the deranged bodily Vayu. 67.
A fever-patient should forego baths, washing ( Parisheka), plunge-bath (Avagaha. D. R. Pradeha - plaster), anointments, emulsive potions, day-sleep, physical exercise, sexual intercourse and any cold articles or any emetic or purgative medicine (for a time even after his recovery) till he is restored to his wonted strength and vigour. * 68.
* According to Charaka, the meat-soup, in cases of fever, may be given with or without the addition of an acid juice (e.g. Dadima, A'mlaki, etc ) † Charaka also holds the same opinion as Sus'ruta.
Any of the preceding prejudicial acts done in a weak state of health, closely following a recovery from fever may bring on a relapse which invariably consumes the body just as fire does a dried and sapless tree. These rules, therefore, should be strictly followed after recovery from fever till the fundamental Principles of the body have returned to their normal condition and the health and strength is fully regained. 69.
A very small amount of physical exertion, in cases of fever, is likely to usher in an attack of fainting fit and hence the patient in such cases should be supported when he sits taking his food or passing urine or stool. An emetic or purgative (Sodhana) remedy should be resorted to even after the subsidence of fever in the case where the continuance of a residue of the deranged Doshas in the organism would be apprehended from such symptoms as aversion to food, weariness of the limbs, discoloration of the body, its evacuations, etc. A fever-patient emaciated through prolonged suffering should not be largely fed at a time (D. R. should not have a bath) and in haste i.e. until the patient recruits his strength in as much as it might lead to a fresh attack of the disease, 70 - 72.
All cases of fever should be remedied with therapeutic agents antidotal to the exciting factors. The principal pathogenic cause or causes should be first removed and remedied in a case of fever due to bodily exhaustion, waste or hurt. An attack of (peurperal) fever incidental to miscarriage or to the spontaneous accumulation of milk in the breast of the mother after delivery, should be medically treated by an experienced physician with Dosha-subduing (Sams'amana) remedies according to the deranged bodily Dosha involved therein. Now we shall deal with the recipes of Dosha-subduing (Sams'amana) decoctions which may be advantageously employed in all types of fever.
A patient suffering from acute fever should forego also the use of astringent, heavy and dry food as well as fatty and secreting food. In short he should also discourage mental emotions of anger grief, etc. as well as the use of newly collected corns. This is evidently Dallana's reading.
73 - 74
Sams'amana decoctions for Vata-
J'wara: - A decoction duly prepared of Pippali, Sarivd, Draksha, S'atapushpa and Harenu should be given with the admixture of treacle in a case of Vataja fever or a cold infusion ‡ of Guduchi should be taken by the patient. Similarly a decoction of Vals, Darbha and S'wa-danshtrs boiled down to a quarter part of the original quantity of water and mixed with sugar and clarified butter; or a decoction of Satapushpa, Vacha, Kush-tha, Devadaru, Harenuka, Kustumburu Nalada and Musta mixed with sugar and honey should be given to a patient in a case of Vataja fever. A decoction of Draksha, Guduchi, Kas'marya, Trayamana and Sariva mixed with treacle should be prescribed in a case of Vataja fever. A potion of the expressed juice of Guduchi mixed with an equal quantity of that of S'atdvari and with treacle proves almost instantaneously efficacious in a case of fever of the same type. Rubbing of the bod) with clarified butter as well as fomentation (Sveda) and piaster should also be prescribed under certain conditions in the present disease. 75 - 81.
‡ According to Dallana the cold infusion of Guduchi should be given in a case of Vataja fever involving the action of vitiated Pitta also ; whereas the decoction duly prepared of Guduchi should be prescribed if, in a case of Vataja-fever, the vitiated Kapha is also involved. Cold infusion is prepared by keeping over-night a quantity of the drugs immersed in hot water. The infusion thus prepared is used in the morning.
Samsamana decoctions for Pittaja
Jwar'a: - A decoction of S'riparni, red sandal wood, Us'ira, Parushaka and Madhuka (Moul) flowers duly boiled and mixed with a proportionate quantity of sugar (when cold), or a decoction of the drugs of the Sarivadi group duly mixed with sugar, or a decoction of the drugs of the Utpaladi group and Yashti-madhu, * or a cold infusion of the drugs of the same group mixed with sugar would cure a case of Pittaja fever. A similar preparation of Guduchi, Padmaka, Rodhra, Sariva and Utpala taken, when cold, with sugar would prove beneficial in cases of Pittaja fever. 82-84.
A decoction of Draksha and Aragvadha, or of Kas'marya, or of the drugs of sweet, bitter or astringent groups mixed with sugar and used, when cold, would alleviate thirst and the severe burning sensation of the body (in a case of Pittaja fever). The contents of the stomach should be vomited out by large draughts of cold water saturated with honey whereby thirst (in a case of Pittaja fever) would be alleviated. Milk duly cooked with the decoction (of barks or twigs) of the Kshiri-Vriksha (milk-exuding trees), or with Chandana or with any other cooling drugs should be used cold (both internally and externally) as a relief for an internal sensation of burning in a case of Pittaja fever. 85 - 87.
Draughts of water with Padmaka, Yashti-madhu,
* Yashti-madhu is comprised in the drugs of the Utpaladi group. Hence in preparation of this decoction, two parts of Yashti-madhu should be taken.
Draksha, Paundarika (white lily), Utpala, parched barley, Us'ira, Samanga and Kas'mari fruit steeped therein and stirred and kept overnight and then mixed and taken with honey (in the morning) would give relief from fever and burning sensation and a plaster of the same drugs should be applied over the scalp in a case of fever accompanied by dryness of the tongue, the palate, the throat and of the Kloma. Pastes of the polens or filaments (Kes'ara) of Matulunga mixed with honey and Saindhava salt, or of Dadima mixed with sugar, Draksha and Kharjura (date) as well as gargles prepared from these drugs should be retained in the mouth with a view to removing its bad taste. 88-89.
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