Chitraka Ghrita

Clarified butter duly cooked with curd, fermented rice-boilings (Kanjika) as well as with the decoction of Vadara and the expressed juice of Mulaka and with the Kalka of Chitraka, Tri-katu, Saindhava, Prithvika, Chavya, Dadima, Dipyaka, Granthika, Ajaji, Habusha and Dhanyaka taken in equal parts, proves curative in cases of Vataja Gulma, Sula (colic), distention of the abdomen and dulness of appetite. 16.

Hingvadi Ghrita

Clarified butter duly cooked with Hingu, Sauvarchala-salt, Ajaji, Vit-salt, Dadima, Dipyaka, Pushkara, Vyosha, Dhanyaka, Amla-vetasa, Yava-kshara, Chitraka, S'athi, Vacha, Ajagandha, Ela and Surasa as Kalka and with the admixture of curd (Dadhi) as liquid, proves efficacious in a case of Vataja Gulma, colic-pain and suppression of stool and urine. 17.

Dadhika Ghrita

Clarified butter duly cooked with Vit-salt, Dadima, Saindhava, Chitraka, Vyosha, Jiraka, Hingu, Sauvarchala-salt, Yava-Kshara, Kushtha, S'unthi, Vrikshamla (turmeric) and Amla-vetasa as Kalka and with the expressed juice of Vija-pura and with curd weighing four times as much as of Ghrita, proves curative in cases of Gulma, enlargement of spleen and Sula. The clarified butter thus prepared is called Dadhika-Grhrita. 18.

Rasona Ghrita

Clarified butter duly cooked with the admixture of the expressed juice of Rasona and with the decoction of (major) Pancha-mula as well as with wine (Sura), Aranala (fermented rice-boilings), curd, and the expressed juice of Mulaka, with the Kalka of Vyosha, Dadima, Vrikshamla, Yamani, Chavya, Sain-dhava, Hingu, Amla-vetasa, Ajaji and Dipyaka (Aja-moda) taken in equal parts, includes within the range of its curative efficacy such diseases of the body as Gulma, Grahani (chronic diarrhoea), piles, asthma, insanity, consumption, fever, cough, epilepsy (Apasmara , dulness of appetite, enlargement of spleen, colic, and the derangements of the bodily Yayu. 19.

* The six drugs to be used as Kalka are Pippali, Pippali-mula, Chavya, Chitraka, Nagara and Yava-kshara taken one Pala of each.

An Adhaka measure each of curd, Sauviraka (a kind of Kanjika), clarified butter and the decoctions of Mudga and Kulattha pulse should be cooked with the admixture of two Pala weight of each of the following drugs, viz., Sauvarchala, Sarjika, Devadaru and Sain-dhava. The medicated Ghrita thus prepared proves curative in cases of Yataja Gulma and acts as a good appetiser. 20.

Ghritas in Pittaja and Raktaja Gulmas

Clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalka of the drugs or the Jivaniya (Kakolyadi) group and with the decoction of the component members of the Trina-pancha-mula, or of the Nyagrodhadi or of the Utpaladi group, would undoubtedly prove curative in cases of Pittaja and Raktaja Gulma. 21.

Ghritas in Kaphaja Gulma: A Gulma of the Kaphaja type would surely yield to the use of medicated Ghritas duly cocked with the drugs of the Dipaniya (Pippalyadi) group as Kalka with the admixture (as liquid) of the decoction of the component members of either the Aragvadhadi group, the alkaline (Mushkakadi) group or the Aragvadhadi Gana, or with the officinal group of (animal) urines. 22.

A Gulma of the Sainnipatika type (due to the concerted action of all the three fundamental Doshas of the body) should be treated according to the predominance of any specific deranged bodily Dosha involved therein. The patient should be made to take at the proper time (ie, as soon as the disease sets in) the pulverised compound known as the Hingvddi-chuma or the medicated Ghrita known as Tilvaka-Sarpih or the one {viz, Shatpalaka Ghrita) which has been described as curative of the enlargement of the spleen, as these would prove curative in a case of Gulma. 23 - 24.