Amaja And Annaja Thirst

The symptoms of all the three (aggravated) Doshas in addition to pain in the heart, spitting and a sense of lassitude in the limbs are present in the type which is due to indigestion (Amaja). The case of thirst which is produced by using extremely fatty and saline articles of fare, as well as those which are hard to digest is due to errors in diet (and is known as Annaja thirst). 11 - 12.

Prognosis: - A patient who has become extremely weak and deaf in consequence of thirst and who suffers from a mental stupour and lies with his tongue protruded and hung down should not be taken charge of (by a physician) for treatment. 13.

General Treatment

Vomiting should be induced with a solution of powdered Pippali in a case of thirst in which the stomach of the patient becomes fully loaded (with water). A plaster composed of Dadima, Amrataka and Matulunga is also beneficial. Drugs which are cooling in their virtue and potency should be applied in the three cases of thirst (due to the three Doshas). A gargle composed of a solution of powdered Amalaka with any acid drug (Matulunga, etc.) should be retained in the mouth for removing the bad taste in the mouth under the circumstances. Water made hot by immersing bits of heated gold, silver, etc , as well as pieces of heated stone or baked clay in it and taken in a tepid state, or cold water charged with sugar and honey, is possessed of the efficacy of allaying thirst. 14 - 16.

Specific Treatment

A patient suffering from Vataja thirst would find relief by taking lukewarm and in a little quantity at a time the water boiled with the drugs of any of * the five Pancha-mula groups or with the drugs of the first group (Vidari-gandhadi-gana). A decoction of the drugs of the Pitta-subduing groups † subsequently cooled and taken with the addition of honey and sugar, or milk duly boiled with the admixture of the drugs of the Jivaniya group (Kako-lyadi Gana) would allay a case of Pittaja thirst.

Water duly boiled with Vilva, Adhaki, the drugs of the Kantaka-Pancha-mula ‡ and Darbha allays a case of Kaphaja thirst. Vomiting induced with the help of a draught of the infusion of tender Nimba-Xeaves taken lukewarm would likewise prove curative in such a case. 17 - 19.

The Pitta-subduing remedies and measures should, in the alternative, be applied in all types of thirst which cannot otherwise be allayed. The expressed juice or a decoction of ripe Udumvara should be taken with sugar under the circumstances. A thirst-afflicted patient should likewise drink the water duly boiled with the drugs of the Sarivadi group sufficiently cooled down for the purpose. 20 - 21.

* The five Pancha-mula groups are (1) The major pancha-mula, (2) The minor Paucha-mula, (3) The Valli Pancha-mula, (4) The Kantaka-Pancha-nnila, (5) The Trina-Pancha-mula See Chap. XXXVIII, Sutra sthana.

† The Pitta-subduing groups are Utpaladi, Sarivadi and Kakolyadi groups.

‡ In place ofAmaja And Annaja Thirst 30097 etc.", some read etc., i.e. Kantaka (Gokshura) and the drugs included in the group known asviz. Pippali, Pippali-mula, Chavya, Chitraka and Nagara.