This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
They are named as the Vátásaya (the receptacle of the bodily Váyu), Pittás'aya (the receptacle of the Pittam), Sleshmásáya (the receptacle of Sleshma or Kapham), Raktásaya (the receptacle of the blood), Amás'aya (stomach), Pákvás'aya (intestines) and the Mutrá-s'aya (bladder). Females have another As'aya (receptacle) in addition to these which is called the Garbhásaya (uterus). The intestines (of an adult) male, measure fourteen cubits (three and a half Vyámas) in length, while those of an adult female measure only twelve cubits. 7 - 8.
The nine canals (Srotas) of the body, such as the ears, the eyes, the mouth, the nostrils, the anus and the urethra, open on the outside. Females have three more such ducts or canals as the two breasts (milk channels) and the one which carries off the menstrual blood. 9.
The Kandarás number sixteen in all, of which four are in the legs, four in the hands, four in the neck, and four in the back. The Kandarás of the four extremeties extend to the roots of the nails of the fingers and toes. The four Kandarás of the neck, connecting it with the heart, extend down to the penis. The four Kandarás at the back and in the region of the Sroni extend down to the buttocks (Vimba). These Kandarás terminate above in the head, the thighs, the breast and in the balls of the shoulders respectively (i.e. the Kandarás of the neck terminate above in the head, those of the legs in the thighs, those of the dorsum in the chest, and those of the arms in the shoulders). 10,
The Jála or plexuses are of four kinds, such as the muscular plexuses, the Vascular plexuses, ligamentous plexuses, and bony plexuses. One of each of the four kinds of plexuses, is found about each of the Manibandda (wrists) and Gulfa (ankles). These four kinds of plexuses intermingle and cross one another in the form of a net-work. The whole body is a chain-work of plexuses, 11.
There are six Kurchas * in all; of which two are in the hands, two in the feet, one in the neck, and one in the penis. There are four great muscular cords or Rajjus which originate from either side of the spinal column, one pair going inwards and another outwards for the purpose of binding the muscles together. † 12 - 13.
‡ They are seven in number, e. g. five in the head, one in the tongue and one in the genital. An incision should not be made into any of these sevanis. 14.
The Asthi-sangh- átas (collection of a number of bones) are fourteen in number. Of these one is found in each of the following positions, viz. the two ankles, the two knees and the two groins; of the remaining eight, six are to be found in similar positions of the upper extremities, namely one in each of the wrists, elbows and axillas; one is in the cranium and another in the regions of the Trika * (thus making up fourteen in all). 15.
* The Kurchas (clusters or groups) may be made up of muscles, bones, vessels and ligamentous structure - Dallana.
† According to Gayadasa four such cords are found on each side of the spinal column and thus totalling eight in all.
‡ Sevani evidently means the central tendinous band which looks like a suture from which the muscles on either side arise.
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