This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Now we shall describe the Marmas, situated in the region of the thorax and the abdomen (trunk). A hurt to the Guda-Marma *, which is attached to the large intestine and serves as the passage of stool and flatus, ends fatally (within twenty-four hours of the hurt). An injury to the Vasti-Marma, † situated inside the cavity of the pelvic region and the bladder and composed of small muscles and blood (and which serves as the receptacle of urine), proves fatal within the day, except in the cases of extracting the gravel, only when the injury to the organ is short of complete perforation of both of its walls. The urine oozes out through the aperture in the case where only one of its walls has been perforated, and which may be closed and healed up with proper and judicious medical treatment. An injury to the Nábhi-Marma, * the root of all the Siras and situated between the Amás'aya (stomach) and the Pakvas'aya (intestines) ends in death within the day. 47-50.
* It is a Mansa-Marma to the length of four fingers' width and belongs to the Sadyo-maraka class.
† It is a ligament combination (Snayu marma) to the length of four fingers, belonging to the Sadyah-Pránhara class,
A hurt to the Hridaya-Marma, † which is situated in the thorax between the two breasts and above the pit of the Amas'aya and forms the seat of the qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, proves fatal within the day. An injury to the Stana-mula-Marmas ‡: situated immediately below each of the breasts and about two fingers in width fills the Koshtha (thorax) with deranged Kapha, brings on cough, difficult breathing (asthma) and proves fatal. An injury to any of the Stana Rohita-Marmas, § situated above the nipples of the breasts about two fingers in width, fills the cavity of the Koshtha (thorax) with blood, producing symptoms of cough and asthma, and ends fatally. An injury to the Apalápa-Marmas, || situated below the Ansa-kuta (balls of the shoulders) and above the sides (meeting of the different branches of the sub-clavicle veins i.e. axilla), transforms the blood of the organism into pus and proves fatal thereby. 51-54.
An injury to any of the Váyu-carrying vessels, known as the Apastambha-Marma ¶ (meeting of the bifurcated branches of the bronchi lying on both the sides of the breast), fills the Koshtha with the deranged Vayu (tympanites) accomapanied by cough and dyspepsia, and terminates in death. Thus the twelve Marmas situated in the thorax and abdomen are described. 55-56.
It is a S'ira-Marma to the length of four fingers, belonging to the Sadyah-Pránahara class.
† It is a S'ira-Marma to the length of four fingers and of the Sadyah-Pranahara class.
‡ It is a S'ira.Marma, two fingers in length and of the Kalantara class.
§ It is a Mansa-Marma about half a finger in length and of the Kalantara class, (according to Vgabhata, of the Sadyo-Maraka class).
|| It is a S'ira-Marma, half a finger in length, and of the Kalantara class.
¶ It is a S'ira-Marma, half a finger in length and belongs to the Kálántara class.
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