This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
A bite by a spider of the Tri-mandalá species is marked by a flow of black-coloured blood from the bite which is transformed into an open ulcer. It is also attended with deafness, impaired or cloudy vision and a burning sensation in the eyes. In such cases, a compound consisting of Arka roots, Rajani, Nákuli and Pris'ni parniká should be employed as snuff as well as in drink (Pána), enemas (Vastis) and ointments etc. A bite by a spider of the Svetá species is followed by the eruption of white-coloured pustules attended with itching, burning sensation, epileptic fits, fever, erysipelas and pain in and secretion from the bite. An Agada consisting of Chandana, Rásná, Elá, Harenu, Nala, Vanjula, Kushtha, Lámajjaka, Chakra and Nalada is efficacious in such a case. A bite by a Kapilá spider is characterised by eruptions of copper-coloured pustules of an indurated nature accompanied by a sense of heaviness in the head, a burning sensation, vertigo and darkness of vision (Timira). The remedy in such a case consists of an anti-poisonous Agada composed of Padmaka, Kushtha, Elá, Karanja, Kakubha-bark, S'thirá, Arka-parni, Apámárga, Durvá and Bráhmi. A case of bite by a Pitika spider is marked by an eruption of hard pustules, vomiting, fever, colic (Sula) and redness of the eyes, and the remedy consists in the application of an Agada, composed of Kutaja, Us'ira, Kinihi, S'elu, Kadamba and Kakubha-bark. A case of bite by an Ala-vishá spider is marked by the bright red colour of the seat of the bite, eruption of pustules like mustard seeds, parchedness of the palate and a burning sensation in the body. The remedy in such a case should consist of an Agada composed of Priyangu, Hrivera, Kushtha, Lámajja, Vanjula, S'ata-pushpá and the sprouts of the Pippala and the Vata trees. The case of bite by a spider of the Mutra-vishá class is attended with putrefaction (of the affected locality), erysipelas, a flow of blackish blood (from the seat of the bite), cough, difficult breathing, vomiting, epileptic fits, fever and a burning sensation. The remedy in such a case consists in Manah-s'ilá, Ala, Yashti-madhu, Kushtha, Chandana, Padmaka and Lámajja pasted together and mixed with honey. The case of bite by a spider of the Raktá species is marked by eruptions of yellow-coloured pustules full of blood and coloured red in the extremities (round the seat of the bite), with a burning sensation and slimy secretion. The Agada in such a case should be prepared with Toya (Bálaka) Chandana, Us'ira, Padmaka and the bark of Arjuna, S'elu and Amrátaka. A bite by a spider of the Kasaná class is attended with a flow of slimy cold blood (from the bite), and with cough and difficult breathing, the treatment being the same as in the case of a bite by a spider of the Ratká class. 52-59.
A bite by a spider (Lutá) of the Krishna' class smells of fecal matter and is attended with a scanty flow of blood, as well as with fever, epileptic fits, vomiting, burning sensation, cough and difficult breathing. The treatment of such a patient should be taken in hand without holding out any definite hope of recovery and the remedy in this case should consist of an Agada composed of Eld, Chakra, sarpákshi, Gandha-nákuli, Chandana and the drugs known as the Mahá-sugandhi (as described in the Dundubhi-svaniya chapter). The case of bite by an Agni-varná spider is marked by a burning sensation in the seat of the bite, excessive secretion (of blood), fever, a sort of sucking pain, itching, horripilation, a burning sensation in the body and eruptions of pustules. In a case of this type, the patient may be treated with the Agada prescribed for the treatment of a bite by a spider of the Krishna class but no hopes should be held out. 60-61.
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