General Remedies

An Agada made of Sârivâ, Us'ira, Yashti' madhu, Chandana, Utpala and Padmaka may be used with advantage in cases of spider-bites of all types. The bark of S'leshmâtaka and Kshira-pippala should be deemed equally efficacious in all cases of spider-bites, and these may be employed in any shape, viz., as snuff, potion, unguent, etc. 62.

We have described (the symptoms and the treatment of the bites of) the eight classes of spiders which can be cured with difficulty. Those of the two classes (of the other group whose bites are generally incurable) have also been described above, as being sometimes found amenable to medicine (with the greatest difficulty). Now hear me describe (the symptoms and the treatment of the bites of) the remaining six species which are incurable. 63. A.

Specific Symptoms Of The Incurable Cases Of Spider-Bites

A bite by a spider of the Sauvarniká species is marked by swelling and a frothy secretion and a fishy smell from the seat of the bite, and is followed by cough, difficult breathing, fever, thirst and violent fainting fits. A bite by a Lája-varná spider is marked by a flow of flesh-smelling and fetid blood from its seat as well as by a burning sensation, dysentery, fainting fits and pain in the head. A case of bite by a spider of the Jálini species is very severe and is marked by a cracking of the seat of the bite which is striped with lines as well as by numbness, difficult breathing, parchedness of the palate and continued dizziness of the head. The bite by an Eni-padi spider resembles the seeds of black sesamum in shape and is marked by thirst, fever, fainting fits, vomiting, cough and difficult breathing. A bite by a Kákándaká spider is marked by an excruciating pain and a reddish-yellow colour at its seat. A bite by a Máláguná spider is characterised by a cracking of the seat of the bite in several parts and is marked by a red colour, smoky smell, extreme pain, fever and epileptic fits. 63.

Treatment of the incurable cases of spider-bites should, however, be taken in hand by a wise physician with a due consideration of the aggravated Dosha or Doshas in each case with the exception of making incisions (chheda-karma). 64-A.

Surgical Treatments

In all cases of the curable types of spider-bites, the affected part should at once be cut open and removed with a Vriddhi-patra instrument and the incisioned part should then be cauterised with a red-hot Jambvoshtha instrument in the absence of any fever or such like distressing symptoms and in the event of its not occurring in any of the vulnable parts of the body (Marmas). The act of cauterisation should be continued until the patient himself (through pain) prohibits the continuation of the same. If the affected part is found to be attended with a slight swelling, it should be cut open and removed. It should then be plastered with a paste of the (Mahá-sugandhi and such other) Agada mixed with Saindhava and honey or with the paste of Priycngu, Haridrá, Kushtha, Samangá and Yashti madhu. A potion composed of the decoction of Sárivá, the two kinds of Yashti-madhu * Drákshá, Payasyá, Kshira-morata, Vidári and Gokshara mixed with honey should be administered to the patient. The affected part should be washed with a cold decoction of the bark of the Kshiri-vrikshas. Any other distressing symptoms should be remedied with anti-poisonous measures with an eye to the deranged Doshas involved in the case. 64.

Any of the (ten-fold) remedial measures of Nasya (snuff), medicated collyrium, unguents (Abhyanjana) potions (Pána) Dhuma (fumigation), Avapida form of snuff, gargling, emesis, purging and blood-letting by the application of leeches should be adopted in a case of spider-bite according to its requirements. 65.

* Mention of Madhuka twice in the list shows that one part each of both the kinds Yashti-madhu (liquorice) - grown on lands and in water - should be taken.

All cases of bites by any insect or by any snake, and ulcers incidental to those bites should be carefully treated with measures and remedies laid down in connection with snake-bites as long as the stage of inflammation and suppuration would last. The growths (if any) of pappillae (Karniká) around the seat of the bite should be removed after the subsidence of the swelling by the application of a plaster consisting of Nimba leaves * Trivrit, Danti, Kusntnbha flower, Raj mi, honey, Gugguhi, Saindhava salt, Kinva and the dung of a pigeon pasted together, and such diet as would not aggravate the effects of poison should be carefully prescribed. The papillatous growths (Karnika) due to the poison of any kind should be scratched with a proper surgical instrument in the event of their being hard and painless and should then be plastered with a paste of purifying (Sodhaniya) drugs (such as Nimba leaves, etc.) mixed with honey. 65.

The specific features and treatment of the bites by the one hundred and sixty-seven types of insect are now described. The subjects mentioned but not included within these one hundred and twenty chapters (from the commencement of the book) would be dealt with in detail in the latter part of the present treatise (Uttara Tantara). 67 68.

We have not heard of a holier discourse than the medical science on account of the eternal and imperishable character of the Ayurveda (the science of life) from its tested merit and its beneficial effects upon the created beings and since it is always worshipped by the whole human race for the fact of its fully explaining the import of words (i.e. delineation of its specific subjects). Who ever stores up in his memory and acts up to these sacred and worshipful injunctions on the science of life propounded, as it is, by the nectar-origincd sage (Dhanvantari). the preceptor of all physicians and equal to the celestial Indra in respect of majesty, enjoys happiness both in this world and in the next. 69.

* Gayadása reads "S'ikhi" (Lángalaki) and "Vams'a (scrapings of bamboo) in place of "Nimba-patra". He also reads "Danta" (tooth of a cow) in place of "Kinva."

Thus ends the eighth Chapter of the Kalpasthána in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which treats of the measures to he adopted in the case of an insect-bite.

Here ends the Kalpa Sthána.