Natal Rites

Then having sprayed (the face of) the baby with cold water, the post-natal rites should be performed unto it. After that the baby should be made to lick an electuary composed of honey, clarified butter and the expressed juice of Bráhmi leaves and Anantá, mixed with (half a Rati weight of) gold dust and given with the ring-finger of the feeder. Then the body of the child should be anointed with Valá-taila and it should be bathed in an infusion of the barks of Kshiri trees, or in the washings (decoctions) of drugs known as the Sarvagandha (Eládi group), or in water in which red-hot gold or silver bar has been immersed, or in a tepid decoction of Kapittha leaves, according to the nature of the season, the preponderance of the deranged Doshas in its body and according to its physical conditions. 12.

Diet For The Child-(M.-T)

The milk in the breasts of a newly parturient woman sets in three or four days after parturition owing to the dilation of the orifices of the milk ducts (galactoferous ducts). Hence the baby should be fed thrice daily (morning, noon and evening) on a handful child's own hand) of clarified butter and honey mixed with (a Rati weight of) pulverized Anantá roots sanctified with Mantras on the first day; and on the second and third days the child should be fed on clarified butter prepared with the Lakshaná (root). On the following (fourth) day the child should be fed on its handful of honey and clarified butter only twice (i.e. in the morning and at noon). (From the evening of fourth day) the mother should first squeeze off a quantity of her milk and then give the child her breast. (This rule should be observed at the time of tending the child every day). 13-14.

Treatment Of The Mother

The body of the mother should be anointed (after parturition) with the Valá-Taila and treated (both internally and externally) with a decoction of Váyu-subduing drugs (such as the Bhadra-Dárvádigroup, etc.). If still there be any abnormality in the condition of the Doshas (the discharge of vitiated blood i e, lochia), the mother should be given to drink a luke-warm solution of treacle mixed with powders of Pippali, Pippali roots, Hasti-pippall, Chitraka and S'ringavera, and the medicine should be continued for two or three days or longer, (if necessary), till the disappearance of the vitiated blood (lochia). When the discharge gets normal (i e., on the appearance of healthy lochia), the mother should be made to take for three days a gruel (Yavágu) prepared with the decoction of the drugs constituting the Vidári-Gandhddi Gana and mixed with (a good quantity of; clarified butter or a Yavágu prepared in milk. After that a meal of boiled Sáli-rice and a broth made from the meats of Jángala animals boiled with barley, Kola and Kulattha pulse, should be prescribed for her, taking into consideration the strength and the condition of her appetite (Agni or digesting power). The mother should observe this regimen of diet and conduct for one month and a half (after delivery). After this period she may be at liberty to choose any food to her liking and revert to her natural mode of living. According to several authorities, however, a woman does not regain her natural temperament of body till the reappearance of the healthy menstruation (after parturition). 15.

A strong but newly delivered woman, born and bred up in a Jángala country should be given to drink, for three or five nights, either oil or clarified butter in an adequate quantity with an after-potion consisting of the decoction of drugs constituting the group known as the Pippalyádi Gana. She should be daily anointed with oil, etc. If, however, of delicate health, she should be made to take, for three or five nights in succession, a medicated Yavágu (gruel) as described in the last para. Thenceforth a diet of demulcent properties should be prescribed for her and her body should be regularly washed with a copious quantity of tepid water. A mother, after parturition, should forego (for a considerable time) sexual intercourse, physical labour and indulgence in irascible emotions * etc. 16

Memorable Verses

Any disease acquired by a newly delivered mother (Sutiká) by her injudicious conduct of life soon lapses into one of a difficult type (hard to cure); and it becomes incurable if it be due to too much fasting. Hence a wise physician should treat her with such measures as are natural and congenial to her temperament, the time, the place and the nature of the disease, so that she may not be afflicted with any evil effect. 17.

A placenta retained in the uterus causes constipation (Anáha) of the bowels and distention of the abdomen (tympanites). Hence in such a case her throat should be tickled with a finger covered with hair; or the exterior orifice of the vagina should be fumigated with the fumes of the cast-offskin of a snake, Katuka, Alavu, Kritavedhana and mustard seeds mixed with mustard oil. In the alternative, a plaster of Lángali roots should be applied to the palms and soles of her hands and feet; or the milky juice of Snuki tree should be applied over her scalp; or a compound made of pasted Lángali roots and Kushtha mixed with either wine or the cow's urine should be given her for drink. A Kalka either of S'áli roots or of the drugs constituting the Pippalyadi Gana mixed with wine (Surá) should be given her for the purpose In the alternative, an Asthápana (enema) of white mustard seeds Kushtha (Kuda), Lángali, and the milky juice of Mahá-vriksha, mixed with Surá-manda should be prescribed. (If the above measures fail) an Uttara-Vasti (uterine douche) prepared with the aforesaid drugs and boiled in mustard oil should be applied; or else the placenta should be removed by the hand lubricated with an oleaginous substance and with the nails clipped off. 18.

* Fifteen kinds of emotions as described in the thirty-ninth chapter of the Chikitsa-sthanam.