Makkalla And Its Treatment

The lochia of a newly delivered woman whose organism has become excessively dry on account of profuse use of absorbants or deranged by any other causes, - the lochia being obstructed in its exit by the local Váyu, - gives rise to Granthis (nodules) which may appear below the navel, on the sides of the pelvis about the region of the bladder or of the pubis. Severe piercing pain (Sula) is felt about the region of the navel, the stomach and the bladder and a sensation of pricking with needle and cutting pain in the intestines. At the same time the abdomen becomes distended with the retention of urine. These are the symptoms of Makkalla. In such a case, a decoction of the drugs of the Viratarvddi Gana mixed with a powdered compound of the Ushakádi Gana should be given her. In the alternative, a potion of carbonate of potash [Vavakshára) dissolved in tepid water or in clarified butter; of rocksalt dissolved in the decoction of the Pippalyádi Gana; of a compound made of the powdered drugs of the latter Gana with Surá-manda; of the powders of cardamom and Pancha-kolas dissolved in the decoction of the drugs of the Varunádi Gana; of the powders of pepper and Bhadraddru dissolved in the decoction of the Prithakparnyddi Gana; or of pulverized Trikatu, Chaturjátaka and Kustumburu mixed with old treacle; or of simple Arishta, should be prescribed. 19.

Management Of The Child

The baby being wrapped up in silk should be laid on a bed covered with a silken sheet; it should be fanned with the branches of a Pilu, Nimba, Vadari, or Parushaka tree. A (thin) pad (Pichu) soaked in oil should be constantly kept on the head of the child, and its body should be fumigated with the fumes of drugs (e,g., Vacha, mustard, etc.) potent enough to keep off the (evil) influences of demons and evil spirits. The same drugs should be tied round the neck, hands, legs and head of the infant and the floor of the lying-in room should be kept strewn over with pounded sesamum, mustard, linseed (Atasi). A fire should also be kept kindled in the chamber. Measures laid down in the chapter on the nursing of an Ulcer-patient (chapter IX (SáRiram Which Treats Of The Description Of The Arteries, Nerves And Ducts, Etc. (Dhamani-VyáKarana-SáRiram)). Sutra.) should be observed in the present case as well. 20.

Then on the tenth day of its birth the parents having performed the necessary rites of benediction and celebrated the occasion with suitable festivities, shall give the chili a name of their own choice or one determined by its natal astrism, etc. 21.

Lactation And Selection Of A Wet-Nurse

For the healthy growth of the child a wet-nurse should be selected from among the matrons of its own caste (Varna) and possessed of the following necessary qualifications. She should be of middle stature, neither too old nor too young (middle-aged), of sound health, of good character (not irascible or easily excitable), not fickle, ungreedy, neither too thin nor too corpulent, with lips unprotruded, and with healthy and pure milk in her breasts which should neither be too much pendulent nor drawn up. It should be carefully observed that her skin is healthy and unmarked by any moles or stains, she being free from any sort of crime (such as gambling, day-sleep, debauchery, etc.). She should be of an affectionate heart, and with all her children living.

She should be of respectable parentage and consequently possessed of many good qualities, with an exuberance of milk in her breasts, and not in the habit of doing anything that degrades woman in life. A "Syama" girl possessed of the aforesaid qualities makes a good wet-nurse. A child nursed at the breast of a woman with upturned or unprominent nipples is apt to be deformed (Karála) in features, while extremely pendulous (large and flabby) breasts may suffocate the child by covering its mouth and nostrils. Having chosen a wet-nurse of the commendable type, the child with its head well-washed should, on an auspicious day, be laid on her lap wrapped in a clean and untorn linen. The face of the child should be turned towards the north, while the nurse should look to the east at the time. Then, after first having a small quantity of the milk pressed out and the breast washed and consecrated with the following Mantras (incantations) the child should be made to suck her right breast. 22.

Metrical Texts

"O, thou beautiful damsel, may the four oceans of the earth contribute to the secretion of milk in thy breasts for the purpose of improving the bodily strength of the child. O, thou with a beautiful face, may the child, reared on your milk, attain a long life, like the gods made immortal with drinks of ambrosia". 22.

A child nursed at the breast of any and every woman for want of a nurse of the commendable type, may fall an easy prey to disease, owing to the fact of the promiscuous nature of the milk proving incongenial to its physical temperament. The milk of a nurse not being pressed out and spelled off at the outset may produce cough, difficulty of breathing, or vomiting of the child, owing to the sudden rush of the accumulated milk into its throat choking up the channels. Hence a child should not be allowed to suck in such milk. 23.

The loss or suppression of the milk in the breasts of a woman is usually due to anger, grief, and the absence of natural affection for her child, etc. For the purpose of establishing a flow in her breast, her equanimity should be first restored, and diets consisting of Sáli-rice, barley, wheat, Shashtika, meat-soup, wine (Surá) Souviraka, sesamum-paste, garlic, fish, Kas'eruka, S'ringdtaka, lotus-stalk, Vidári-kanda, Madhuka flower, S'atátari, Naliká, Alávu, and Kála-S'dka, etc. should be prescribed. 24.