The Primary Importance Of The Shalyam

All hold this Tantram to be the most important of all the other branches of the getanle world belongs † of locomotion, belong to may be argued here, since nd sword-cuts had to be dressed and in the to hundamental material the gods and the demons, long before the appearance on) ], it is not idiopathic maladies such as, fever, etc.; and Surgery contriwofold attrib was demanded of her towards the healing up of those ulcers. H. But branch of the Ayurveda is the oldest of all the allied branches of those ining art.

Receptacle of health instantaneous actions can be of such appliances as.

Gradual Extension Of The Ayurvedic Knowledge

Bramha was the first to inculcate the principles of the holy Ayurveda. Prajapati learned the science from him. The Ashvins learned it from Prajapati and imparted the knowledge to Indra, who has favoured me (Dhanvantari) with an entire knowledge thereof. I, for the good of mankind, am ready to impart it to those whantram)upon earth.

The King of Kas of account of himself. supreme and original god tonn of Dhanvanta'ri. It is I who warde disease and decay from the celestials. Fo was an inmate of the region of heaven, now I incarrnated on earth with the view to teach the Science of Surgery with all its allied branches of study to men.

In the present science (Ayurveda), the Purusha (self-conscious organic individual) is described as the resultant of the combination of the soul and the five primary material principles. All medical acts such as, surgical operations, administration of medicinal remedies and applications of alkaline substances, or cauterisation, etc.), are restricted to the Purusha alone. *

Why is it so? The answer is, simply because the created world is composed of two distinct classes, such as the mobile and the immobile. † These two classes, in their turn, are further sub-divided for the purposes of the science of medicine into the two orders, Agneva (hot) and Saumya (cool. Hence the world is composed of five material principles, though characterised by the twofold virtues, Agneva (hot) and Saumya (cool). ‡

* It may be questioned why they should be confined to the Purusha? Such a query may be successfully met by the statement that the Purusha alone is the receptacle of health and disease in contradistinction to the Self or Ego.

† The vegetable world belongs to the latter category, while animals, possessed of locomotion, belong to the former.

‡ It may be argued here, since everything in the universe is composed of the five fundamental material principles [ of earth, water, fire (heat), air and sky (ether) ], it is not competent to assert that the universe is possessed of the twofold attributes Agneva (heated or fiery) and Saumya (cool or watery), alone. But since fire (heat) or water (cold) predominates in all things in the universe in juxtaposition with the primary virtues of themFurther classification of the mobile and the immobile:- The animated world may be divided into four subdivisions, such as the Svedaja (born of sweat or heat and moisture i. c. abiogenous,) the Andaja (egg-born or oviparous), the Udbhijja (vegetable) and the Jarayuja (placental or viviparous). The Purusha or the subjective personality (man) is the greatest of them all, because all other forms of life are made to minister to his wants on Earth.