Regimen To Be Observed In Her Menses

A woman in her menses should lie down on a matress made of Kus'a blades (during the first three days of her uncleanness), should take her food from her own blended palms or from earthen sauces, or from trays made of leaves. She should live on a course of Habishya diet and forswear during the time, even the sight of her husband. After this period, on the fourth day she should take a ceremonial ablution, put on a new (untorn) garment and ornaments and then visit her husband after having uttered the words of necessary benediction. 25. Metrical Text: - A child conceived after the period resembles the man whom she first sees after ablution on the fourth day of her menses; hence she should see none but her husband * at that time (so that the child may resemble his father). After that the priest shall perform the rites (Garbhàdhàna ceremony), to help the conception of a male child and after the ceremony a wise husband should observe the following rules of conduct. 26 - 27.

* In the case of the husband being absent at the time, she should look at the sun.

Conduct Of Husband

A husband wishing to beget a son by his wife, should not visit her bed for a month (before the day of the next flow). Then on the fourth day of her uncleanness, he should anoint or lubricate his body with Ghrita, should partake of a food in the afternoon or evening composed of boiled S'áli rice, milk and clarified butter, and then visit the bed of his wife The wife also, in her tern, should observe a similar vow of sexual abstinence (Brahma-chárini) for a month before that day on which she should anoint or lubricate her body with oil, partake of food largely composed of oil and Màsha pulse, and then meet her husband at night. The husband then having uttered the appropriate Veda Mantras and having awakened confidence in the wife, should go unto her on the fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth or on the twelfth night of her menses for the progenation of a male child. 28.

Metrical Text

A visit to the wife on any of these nights leads to the continual increase of the wealth, progeny, and the duration of the husband's life. On the other hand, a visit to one's wife on the fifth, seventh, ninth, or eleventh day of her flow leads to the conception of a female child The thirteenth and the remaining days (till the next course) are condemned as regards intercourse. 29 - 30

Prohibited Period Etc

A going unto one's wife on the first day of her monthly course tends to shorten one's life and a child born of the act dies immediately after its delivery. The same result is produced by a visit on the second day, or the child dies lying-in 100m i.e. ten days of its birth; A visit on the third day leads to the child's being deformed and short-lived. A child which is the fruit of a visit on the fourth day lives long, will be well developed and remain in the full vigour of health. The semen cast in the womb of a woman during the continuance of her monthly flow does not become fruitful because it is carried back and flows out in the same manner as a thing thrown into a stream does not go against but is carried away with the current. Hence a husband should foreswear the company of his wife during the first three days of her uncleanness, when she also should observe a vow of sexual abstinence; the husband should not visit his wife within the month after the twelfth day of her menses). 31.

After the impregnation on any of these nights, three or four drops (of the expressed juice) of any of the following drugs such as Lakshaná, Vata-S'ungá, S'ahadevá or Vis'vadevá, mixed with milk should be poured into the right nostril of the enceinte for the conception of a male child and care should be taken that she does not spit it away. 32.

Metrical Text

A co-ordination of the four factors of menstrual period (Ritu), healthy womb (Kshetra), nutrient liquid i.e. chyle of digested food (Ambu), healthy semen (Vija) and the proper observance of the rules is necessary for the conception and development of a healthy child just as the proper season (Ritu), good soil (Kshetra), water (containing nutrient matter) and vigorous seeds (Vija) together with proper care, help the germination of strong and undiseased sprouts. A child which is the fruit of such conception is destined to be beautiful, of vigorous health, generous, long-lived, virtuous, attached to the good of its parents and capable of discharging its parental obligations. 33.