This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Now we shall describe the different traits of these (all-healing) Oshadhis. The Ajagari * Oshadhi is found to put forth five leaves which have a brown colour and are marked with variegated ring-like patches. It looks like a snake and measures five Aratnis (a cubit of the middle length from the elbow to the tip of the little finger) in length. The S'veta-kápoti is a leafless, gold-coloured, snake-shaped plant with a root two fingers in length and is red at the extremities. The Gonasi is a bulbous plant possessed of two leaflets, red-coloured and is marked with black rings. It measures two Aratnis in height and resembles a Gonasa (boa) snake in shape. The Krishna-kápoti is a soft, hairy, milk-secreting plant and its juice is possessed of a colour and a taste like that of sugar-cane juice. The Váráhi is bulbous and puts forth a single leaflet; it is resplendent like broken pieces of black antimony. It resembles a black lance hooded Kobrá (Krishna Sarpa) in shape and is possessed of mighty potency. 8.
* There is no mention of "Ajagari" in the list (para. 2) and there is no mention of "Suvarchalá" in this descriptive list. It seems, therefore, probable that "Ajagari" and "Suvarchalá" are identical.
The Chratrá and the Ati-chchhatrá are bulbous in their origin and are found to be attached to a plant of the Sveta-kápoti species. Both of them are possessed of the virtue of arresting death and decay and act as prophylactic against the Rakshas as (malignant spirits). A plant of the Katiyá species is found to put forth a dozen leaflets beautifully coloured like the breast-feathers of a peacock. It is bulbous in its origin and exudes a gold-coloured juice. An Oshadhi plant of the Karenu species abounds in milky juice and its bulb resembles an elephant. It puts forth two leaves which look like those of a Hasti-karna-palása tree. An Oshadhi plant of the Ajá species abounds in milky juice, grows like a Kshupa or bushy plant and is white-coloured like the moon, a conch shell, or a Kunda flower; its bulb resembles the udder of a she-goat. An Oshadhi plant of the Chakraká species is white-coloured, puts forth flowers of variegated colours, grows in bushes, resembles a Kákádani plant in shape and size and is possessed of the efficacy in warding off death and decay. An Oshadhi plant of the A'ditya-parnim species grows from roots (and has no bulb) and is furnished with five red-coloured leaflets as soft as a piece of linen and which always point towards the sun (change their direction with the progress of that luminary in heavens) An Oshadhi plant of the Brakma-Suvarchalá species, is gold-coloured, abounds in milky juice, resembles a lotus plant in appearance, grows by the side of water (i.e., in marshy lands) and spreads in all directions. An Oshadhi plant of the Mahá-S'rávani species bears flowers like a Nilotpala and collyrium coloured fruit. The stem of the Kshupa (bushy) plant measures an Aratni and the leaf two fingers in length. It is gold-coloured and abounds in milky juice. An Oshadhi plant of the S'rávani species, possesses all the preceding features, (of the Mahá-s'rávani) but is tinged with a yellow colour. The Oshadhi known as the Golomi and the Ajalomi are hairy and bulbous (in their origin). A Vegavati Oshadhi plant puts forth leaves from its roots; its leaves are severed like those of a Hamsapádi creeper, and move about violently (even in the absence of any wind), it resembles a Samkha-pushpi creeper in all its features, looks like the cast-off skin of a snake and grows at the end of the rainy season (i.e., in autumn). 9.
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