Fourth Taila

A decoction of the drugs Bhutika, Eranda, Varshábhu, Rásná, Vásaka, Rohisha, the drugs of the Das'a-mula group, Saká (Mudga-parnn, Bhárgi, Shad-granthi (Vacha) Deva-dáru, Valá, Nágavalá, Murvá, As'va-gandhá, the two Amritá (Guduchi and Haritaki), Saháchara, Vari (Satá-vari), S'unthi, Káka-násá, Vidári Yava, Másha, Atasi, Kola and Kuláttha should be cooked in an adequate quantity of oil with (a Kalka of) the drugs of the Jivaniya group and a quantity of milk weighing four times as much as the oil. The oil, if employed in the manner of a Vasti, would prove beneficial in cases of diseases due to the action of the deranged Vayu localised in the regions of the thighs, legs, coxcy (Trika), sides (Parsva), balls of the shoulders (Amsa) and in the hands, the head and Manya (nerves of the neck). 6.

Fifth Taila (With Clarified Butter)

The drugs Jivanti, Ativalá, Medá, the two kinds of Kákoli, Jivaka, Rishavaka, Ativishá, Krishna, Káka-násá, Vacha, Deva-dáru, Rásná, Madana, Yashti-madhu, Saralá (white Trivrit), S'atávari, Chandana, Svayam-gaptá with an adequate quantity of oil and clarified butter (in equal parts) with a quantity of milk weighing eight times as much as the combined weight of the oil and clarified butter. This oil should be employed in the manner of an Anuvasana-vasti in cases of Gulma and retentions of stool and urine with a distension of the abdomen. It conquers the deranged Vayu and Pitta of the body, acts as an invigorating and constructive tonic, improves digestion, increases strength and creates fresh semen. Used as an errhine or as a drink it tends to alleviate ail affections confined to the regions above the clavicles. 7.

Sixth Sneha

Yashti-madhu, Us'ira, Kás'm-arya, Katuka, Utpala, Chandana, S'yámá * Padma-Káshtha, Jimuta, Indra-yava, Ativishá and Válá (in equal parts) should be pasted together and cooked with an adequate quantity of clarified butter and oil, the oil weighing a fourth part of the whole quantity of Sneha to which should be added a quantity of milk weighing eight times as much as the Sneha (oil and clarified butter added together) with a decoction of the drugs of the Nyagro-dhádi group. This (medicated Ghrita), used as a Vasti proves efficacious in cases of Asrig-dara (menorrhagia), erysipelas (Visarpa) Vata-Rakta, abscess (Vidradhi), fever, burning sensations in the body and all other disorders due to the action of the deranged Pitta. 8.

Seventh Sneha

A paste of Mrinála, Utpala, S'áluka, the two kinds of Sárivá, (Ananta-mula and Syamalata), Nága-kes ara, the two kinds of Chandana (red and white), Bhu-nimba, Padma-vija, Kas'eruka, Patola, Katuka, Raktd (Manjishtha) Gundrá, Parpataka and Vásaka (weighing one seer in all) should be cooked with (sixteen seers of) the decoction of Trina-mula † with (four seers of) oil and with milk twice as much as the oil. A variety of Pittaja diseases yields to the curative efficacy of this medicated oil, used as a Vasti, or as errhines, drink unguent. 9