Eighth Sneha

A paste composed of Tri-phala, Ativisha, Murva, Trivrit, Chitraka, Vasaka, Nimba, Áragvadha, Shad-granthá (Vacha), Sapta-parna, the two kinds of Haridrá, (Haridrá and Dáru-haridrá), Guduchi, Indra-sura, (Indra-varuni), Pippali, Kushtha, Sarshapa and Nágara in equal parts (weighing one seer in all) should be cooked with an adequate quantity (four seers) of oil and (sixteen seers of) the decoction of the drugs of the Surasádi group. Obesity, a feeling of physical languor, itches, etc., as well as diseases due to the deranged condition of Kapha, readily yield to the use of this (medicated oil) employed as a medicinal snuff (Nasya), a gargle (Gandusha), a drink, or anointment, or as a Vasti. 10.

* Dallana explains "S'yama " as "Priyangu" and "Jimuta" as "Mustaka."

† Dallana explains "Trinamula" as 'Trina-pancha-mula" for which see Ch. XXXVIII, Sutra-Sthánam.

Ninth Sneha

A paste (weighing one seer in all) composed of Páthá, Ajamoda, S'armgashtá, Pippali, Gaja-pippali, S'unthi, Sarala (D. R. - Saptala) Aguru, Kaliya, Bhdrgi, Chavya, Deva-daru, Markka, Eld, Haritaki, Katuka, Pippali-mula, Katphala pounded together and mixed with a decoction of the Valli * and the Kantaka each weighing twice as much as the weight of the oil, should be cooked with an adequate quantity of sesamum or castor oil (weighing four seers). All kinds of diseases due to a deranged condition of the bodily Kapha readily yield to the use of this (medicated) oil when employed in the manner of an Anuvasana enema (Vasti). 11.

Tenth Sneha

A pasted compound of Vidanga, Udichya, Saindhava salt, S'athi, Pushkara, Chitraka, Katphala, Ativishá, Bhárgi, Vacha, Kushtha, Deva-dáru, Medá, Madana, Yashti-madhu, S'yámá †,

* The "Valli" and the "Kantaka" here evidently mean the "Valli-pancha-mula" and the ' Kantaka-Pancha-mula" respectively for which see chapter XXXVIII (General Classification Of Drugs According To Their Therapeutical Properties (Dravya-Sangra-Haniya-Madhyayam)). Sutra-Sthanam.

† Dallana explains "S'yama" as "Vriddba-daraka" and "Renu' as "Par ataka".

Nichula (Jala-Vetasa), Nágara- S'atáahvá, Nilini, Rásná, Kadali, Vásaka, Renu, Vilva, Ajamoda, Pippali, Danti, Chavya, Naradhipa (Áragvadha) with the decoction of the drugs of the MushkakáÁdi group, should be cooked with an adequate quantity of sesamum or castor oil. The use of this oil in the manner of an Anuvásana-vasti (enema) speedily proves curative in cases of Plihodara (enlargement of the spleen), obstinate constipation of the bowels, Vata-Rakta, Gulma, retentions of stool and urine with a flatulent distention of the abdomen, in diseases due to the action of the deranged Kapha, in urinary complaints, gravels in the bladder (Sarkará) and in haemorrhoids. 12.

An Anuvásna-vasti may be applied in all parts of the day and night and even (if necessary) without any previous exhibition of emetics and purgatives, in the case of a patient in whose system the Váyu has been incarcerated and extremely aggravated. The application of a Nirudha-vasti (enema) should, however, be made in respect of a person of an extremely dry temperament, or in whose system the deranged and aggravated Váyu extremely predominates, only after his system had been made sufficiently emulcent (Snigdha) by two or three injections with an Anu-vásana-vasti. But if his system be agitated only with an extremely aggravated condition of his bodily Vayu, a Nirudha-vasti (enema) charged with a medicinal solution and with a profuse quantity of Sneha added therewith, may be applied even before applying a Sneha (Vasti). On finding that the Nirudha-vasti has fully acted, the physician should treat the patient with medicinal solutions of oils prepared with Yashti-madhu and Madana fruit respectively in the manner of an Anuvása-na-vasti in cases of the aggravations of Vayu, etc. 13.

A Vasti should not be applied in the night since the Doshas of the system are (generally) aggravated at this time and since the Sneha (of the Vasti ) owing to its potency is likely to give rise to a distention of the abdomen attended with fever and heaviness of the limbs. The mouths of the internal ducts of the body remain dilated and the Doshas remain in their proper places (i.e., are not generally agitated), and the digestive fire remains surcharged with the essence of the digestive food during the day time, hence the potency (Ojas) of a Sneha-vasti employed during the day time easily spreads through the ducts of the body. An Anuvásana-vasti may be applied during (the early part of) the night in summer in a case marked by a preponderance of the deranged Pitta and a (consequent) weakness of the Kapha, and an extremely parched condition of the organism, as well as in cases of the affections of Váyu (Váta-roga). Unfavourable symptoms such as a burning sensation in the body, etc., arise from the application of a Vasti in the day time during a preponderance of the Pitta, or in summer. The physician should, therefore, make such applications in the evening (Pradosha) in such instances. 14.